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VU Libraries’ Digital Scholarship and Communications (DiSC) Office offering free workshops: RStudio, Python/Juypter notebooks, GitHub, data visualization etc…

Posted by on Wednesday, August 25, 2021 in Announcements .

The Libraries’ Digital Scholarship and Communications (DiSC) Office will be offering several series of free workshops and lessons to help you build your technical skills. There are beginner lessons in R using RStudio and Python using Jupyter notebooks. There is also an intermediate lesson series on data visualization using R and ggplot. For those interested in GitHub, there is a hands-on series on building a free website using the GitHub Pages system. A workshop series on a variety of topics related to GIS will also be offered, including introductions to both the ArcGIS and open-source QGIS systems.

For more information including dates and registration information, visit the DiSC workshops page at .

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