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Northwestern University and Shirley Ryan Ability Lab Post Doctoral Fellowship Openings – Apply today!

Posted by on Wednesday, April 19, 2023 in Announcements .

Northwestern University, in collaboration with the Shirley Ryan Ability Lab (formerly the Rehabilitation Institute of Chicago), announces several post-doctoral fellowship positions. All positions are two-year, full-time fellowships that provide an opportunity for individuals who have completed a Ph.D. or other terminal degree to gain expertise and experience in health services research broadly, with the goal of preparing for a scholarly career. All openings are funded by the National Institute on Disability, Independent Living, and Rehabilitation Research; research activities must relate to NIDILRR’s Long Range Plan.

Post-Doctoral Fellows gain experience in a full range of research-related activities, developing publications and grant applications. Positions begin preferably between Summer and Fall 2023. Applicants should specify which of four funding mechanisms, described below, are best aligned with their interests and goals.

Employment research-focused fellowships are funded by two mechanisms. The first funding mechanism, the Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Employment for People with Physical Disabilities, aims to (1) Conduct a randomized control trial of a telehealth pain self-management intervention, (2) Assess employer-, client-, job-, and environment-related barriers and facilitators of job retention, (3) Evaluate an implementation science approach to employment interventions in people with Parkinson’s disease, and (4) Evaluate a decision aid to job seekers on how and when to disclose the need for job accommodations. The Post-Doctoral Fellow will assist in the execution and implementation of scientific research and development in collaboration with a research team based at the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab.

The second employment-related fellowship opportunity is funded by an Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training award to Northwestern University. The Post-Doctoral Fellow will develop one or more research projects, develop grant applications, publish manuscripts, enroll in coursework, and receive mentoring in preparation for a scholarly career.

In addition, there are opportunities for post-doctoral fellows interested in research involving home-and community-based services (HCBS) and community living and participation. The HCBS opportunity stems from a Rehabilitation Research and Training Center on Home and Community Based Services awarded to the Shirley Ryan AbilityLab. Center aims are to (1) Identify and test promising measures, (2) Identify promising HCBS practices and requisite service-delivery competencies, (3) Develop and pilot test an intervention for HCBS using manualized training materials that support person-centered care delivery and coordination, and (4) Work closely with NIDILRR and other Administration for Community Living centers to ensure the RRTC’s activities are informing and informed by other HCBS quality initiatives. A fellow will have opportunities to work with a team that develops person-centered outcome measures, defines best practices and competencies, and designs and conducts a training intervention.

The last funding opportunity stems from an Advanced Rehabilitation Research Training award focused on NIDILRR’s community living and participation priority awarded to Northwestern University. The Post-Doctoral Fellow will develop one or more research projects, develop grant applications, publish manuscripts, enroll in coursework, and receive mentoring in preparation for a scholarly career.

Information about and application requirements are available on the Integrated Program in Health Services and Outcomes Research website:

Contact Allen Heinemann at 312.238.2920 or for questions about eligibility and program fit. We encourage applications from women, minorities, and persons with disabilities. Northwestern University and Shirley Ryan AbilityLab are affirmative action, equal opportunity employers.
