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Postdoc Academy: Succeeding as a Postdoc -Starts Oct 19, 2020- Registration open

Posted by on Wednesday, September 2, 2020 in Announcements .

Welcome to the Postdoc Academy

The Postdoc Academy is a comprehensive digital and in-person professional development program from Boston University, Northwestern University, Michigan State University, and the University of Wisconsin-Madison. This newsletter will keep you up-to-date on the program and share opportunities to be join our community.


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Succeeding as a Postdoc: Registration Open

The online course, “The Postdoc Academy: Succeeding as a Postdoc” will begin on October 19, 2020. This flexible 6-week course helps postdocs create a rewarding experience that will launch them into their chosen career path. Participants develop strategies and skills to successfully navigate their time as a postdoc. With nearly 3,000 participants in the prior course runnings, we invite you to connect with postdocs from across the world.

These times challenging for us all, with deep disruption in research and uncertainty for postdocs. We acknowledge that some postdocs are working remotely, and some are not able to. Many may be in difficult environments. It may be that this course is not appropriate, but perhaps for many this time is an opportunity to learn and develop skills, too.


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