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International Research Opportunity for PhD students – Chateaubriand Fellowship

Posted by on Tuesday, October 22, 2013 in Uncategorized .

The Chateaubriand Fellowship –  Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) – is a grant offered by the Office for Science and Technology (OST) of the Embassy of France in the United States. The Chateaubriand Fellowship aims to initiate or reinforce collaborations, partnerships or joint projects by encouraging exchange at the doctoral level. To that end, the OST supports PhD students who are registered in an American university and wish to conduct research in a French laboratory (public or private) for a 4 to 9 month period of time as part of a co-supervised PhD. The call for applications for the program is now open, with a deadline of January 31, 2014.


  1. To allow American students to benefit from an experience in one of the best laboratories in France
  2. To develop scientific cooperation between France and the United States.


  • The research should be performed in a French university, engineering school, national laboratory or private enterprise, with a link to a Doctoral School. Co-sponsorship by the interested French institution or company is possible and encouraged.
  • All STEM and Health disciplines are eligible.
  • Applicants must be PhD students in an American university.
  • Knowledge of French is not mandatory and is left to the discretion of the host institution.

See our Guidelines section for more details.

Chateaubriand recipients receive:

  • Monthly allowance (up to 1400 euros/month, depending on other sources of funding)
  • Support for travel to and from France
  • Support for health insurance abroad

Factors considered in the evaluation of a candidate’s application:

  • List of publications and academic transcripts
  • Quality and relevance of proposed research project
  • Priority is given to candidates working toward a “dual degree” (cotutelle) with their host institution
  • Letters of recommendation and letters from the candidate’s French and American advisors agreeing to co-supervise their thesis:


Visit the program website to view the FAQ and access the application system. 

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