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VU Center for Teaching opportunities for grad students, due Feb 22

Posted by on Saturday, January 28, 2017 in Uncategorized .

Each year the Center for Teaching (CFT) hires a number of graduate students to support its work with graduate students as TAs and future faculty members.  

  • Graduate Teaching Fellows (GTFs) engage in a variety of activities focused on the development of grad students as teachers, including the CFT’s Certificate in College Teaching Program.  This is a 12-month position carrying a $26,000 stipend and graduate health insurance.  We expect to hire four GTFs next year.


  • Teaching Affiliates prepare and lead sessions at our annual Teaching Assistant Orientation in August, working about 80 hours total (mostly in August), and are paid $1000.  We expect to hire 10 Teaching Affiliates next year.  This is a useful option for graduate students who can’t commit to an entire year working at the CFT.


  • CiCT Facilitator will, alongside the Graduate Teaching Fellows, lead a section of the CiCT program.  The facilitator will read and prepare lesson plans, lead class sessions, and attend weekly meetings with the GTFs.  When the CiCT program is in session (6-8 weeks per semester), the approximate workload will be between 5-10 hrs/week.  The CiCT Program Facilitator position carries a $3,000 total stipend. 


These positions are great opportunities for students to refine their teaching and presentation skills, network with graduate students outside of their department and program, and broaden the set of skills they bring to future professional work.  Every year, our Teaching Affiliates and GTFs tell us how much they enjoyed and benefited from their experience working at the CFT.


For more information or to apply, visit the CFT’s website:  The application deadline is Wednesday, February 22nd, 2017.


Also, upcoming CFT workshops for graduate students and postdocs (more info and registration: ):


1/30 from 3-4:30pm: Teaching Statement Workshop 

3/16 from 1-3:30pm: Microagressions Teaching Workshop

3/29 from 3-4:30pm: Implicit Bias in the Classroom Workshop

4/13 from2:30-4pm: Course Design Workshop


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