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Session Descriptions

Friday August 4, 2023, 9:00am – 3:15pm

Do you know the different types of academic faculty positions that are available in the U.S.? What skills do you need for each type? What type of faculty position is right for you?  Join Kathy Gould, Ph.D, Louise B. McGavock Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology and Senior Associate Dean for Biomedical Research, Education and Training, and Kim Petrie, Ph.D. for a session in which we will explore the different types of faculty positions available to life scientists and the variable skills a competitive applicant needs to demonstrate for each type.  Participants will use the Academic Career Readiness Assessment (ACRA) Framework, developed by the UCSF Office of Career & Professional Development, to assess their level of preparedness for different positions and to set professional development and research goals that are aligned with the hiring criteria used to assess job candidates. This session will also provide an overview of the faculty job search process and other types of organizations that employ Principal Investigators.

Faculty panelists will discuss how to lay the groundwork for an independent research career and the faculty job search process. Topics will include defining your research niche, identifying mentors and collaborators, having conversations about independence with your mentor(s), developing a research statement and other job search documents that help you stand out from the competition, how search committees work, and how applications are reviewed. Panelists are Dr. David Cortez, PhD, Dr. Eric Skaar, PhD, MPH, and Dr. Kathy DelGiornio.

Interviews for faculty jobs are often multi-day events with one-on-one and group interviews, research presentations, teaching demos, chalk talks, meetings with students, and meals with other faculty. In this panel discussion, faculty will discuss how to ace the interview and deliver dynamic and engaging talks  

 A panel of international faculty will discuss their experiences navigating the US academic faculty job search process and the professional world. Panelists will share tips/ advice for a successful faculty job search based on their experiences. Panelists include Maria Hadjifrangiskou Ph.D.C. Henrique Serezani, Ph.D., and Qiangjun (QJ) Zhou, Ph.D.

Monday August 7, 2023, 11:00am – 4:00pm

Participants will learn about the faculty job search process and strategies for tailoring application materials to the job by playing the role of a search committee member screening CVs for a new faculty hire. Facilitated by Kim Petrie, Ph.D. 


Join Kathy Gould, Ph.D., as she shares tips and strategies for negotiating your salary and start-up package for your faculty position. Topics will include a discussion of items that can be negotiated, resources for finding salary information, and strategies to navigate the negotiation process and set yourself up for success.

 Panel discussion about applying for faculty jobs at teaching-intensive institutions.

If you apply for a faculty position that involves significant teaching, you may be asked to submit a “teaching philosophy” or “teaching statement” as part of the application process. What is expected in these documents? How should you approach them if never taught a full course before? In this session, you’ll learn how to reflect on your past teaching (and learning!) experiences to write a compelling teaching statement that gives search committees a sense of how you will approach classroom teaching and mentoring. Presented by Dr. Neil Osheroff, PhD, Professor of Biochemistry, John Coniglio Chair in Biochemistry, and Past-Director, Academy for Excellence in Education.