ASMB Virtual Conference: Navigating career development and building resilience in times of unrest
Nov. 13, 2020—Navigating career development and building resilience in times of unrest Brought to you by the ASBMB Education and Professional Development Committee Nov. 16, 18 & 20 | 12–4 p.m. EST From COVID-19 to the racial justice movement, 2020 has been a year of disruption and change for those in or entering the STEM workforce. Some Ph.D. life scientists may...
Grad Women in Science Trivia Night
Nov. 7, 2020—Graduate Women in Science is a nationwide organization for women in STEM and is open to graduate students, postdocs, faculty, industry professionals, science teachers, and more! The local chapter will be hosting a virtual trivia night on November 12 at 8 pm and will be reading Inferior: How Science Got Women Wrong and the New Research That’s Rewriting the...
Code for Nashville virtual monthly meet-ups
Aug. 20, 2020—If you are interested in technology, data science, non-profits, or policy, check out Code for Nashville. Code for Nashville is a local group of the national Code for America organization. The purpose of Code for America is to leverage technology in order to make government more transparent and accessible for the people, by the people,...
Maximizing Your Virtual Potential
Jul. 24, 2020—By Ashley Brady, PhD July 14, 2020 The Coronavirus Pandemic has compelled us all to shift abruptly to a virtual world, embracing video conferencing tools like Zoom and Skype to conduct our normal business. This has certainly created challenges as we learn to operate in this new environment, but this virtual world has also opened...
ASPIRE Module: Networking Pacing, Fall 2020
Jul. 16, 2020—The ASPIRE Networking Pacing Module is a series designed to prepare participants to make the most of networking at an upcoming professional conference, networking event or through informational interviewing. Over the course of 8 weeks, we will break down the process of networking into approachable steps and provide real-world examples. The sessions will cover networking...
Wondering how you can still grow and nurture your network during a pandemic?
Jun. 6, 2020—Check out this podcast :Hello Monday with Jessi Hempel with Reid Hoffman on ‘How to Network Now’ A lot of people are between jobs right now. In the past, “go network” would have been Jessi’s first advice on how to change that. But there is no “let’s grab coffee” right now. And even if you can...
Job Search Series: Informational Interviews
Jun. 4, 2020—Wednesday, June 17 2:00 pm Virtual Kate Stuart, Assistant Director, BRET Office of Career Development ASPIRE Program After the career symposium last month, many of the speakers emphasized the importance of informational interviews. Come learn about one the most powerful, yet underutilized, networking tools available to you. Find out what an informational interview entails, how...
Life Science TN Virtual Beer & Biotech April 30
Apr. 16, 2020—On April 30, join Life Science Tennessee members from across the state for a virtual happy hour to stay connected and be inspired. We’re immensely proud of the way our members have stepped up to meet the challenge of the COVID-19 pandemic at the local, state, national and even global level. During this virtual happy hour,...
Neuroscience Scholars Program Application Window Jan 15 – Feb 19
Jan. 8, 2020—The Neuroscience Scholars Program (NSP) is an extensive two-year training program open to underrepresented neuroscience graduate students and postdoctoral fellows. NSP offers live events and webinars, a library of educational resources, and an online community for career connections and scientific and professional development guidance. NSP provides researchers with resources to cultivate long-term success through mentoring...
Beer and Biotech, October 10th
Oct. 7, 2019—Please come to Flying Saucer (111 10th Avenue South, Nashville, TN 37203) on October 10 starting around 5:30pm, to join Life Science Tennessee and the LST Academic Alliance to network with each other, idea share, and hear about the latest life science industry news. THE FIRST BEER IS FREE! This month’s speaker is Dr. Paul Folta, who has 25+ years international commercialization experience. His...
Evolution@Vanderbilt Organization for Students and Trainees
Aug. 26, 2019—Excited about evolutionary studies? Want to participate in fun evolution activities? The Evolutionary Studies Initiative has created the Evolution@Vanderbilt Organization for Students and Trainees (EVOST). This group is designed to create a community of trainees (graduate students and postdocs) interested in evolution who want to participate in the Evolutionary Studies initiatives. Trainees can be interested...
36|86: Startup Job Fair with Launch Tennessee
Aug. 8, 2019—Interested in exploring a career in the startup world? Join Launch Tennessee at our inaugural 36|86: Startup Job Fair, in conjunction with Live on the Green music festival in downtown Nashville. Friday August 30 and Saturday 31st, the 36|86 Pavilion at Live On The Green music festival will feature a Startup Job Fair. This casual...
NSPN Southern Hub Retreat, Saturday, September 14th, 2019
Aug. 1, 2019—Save the Date: Saturday, September 14th, 2019 Location: Wondry Innovation Center, Vanderbilt University, Nashville, TN VSPG and SPEAR will host a team-building retreat for the Southern Hub at Vanderbilt University (Nashville, TN) to build a more informed and cohesive community and strengthen the National Science Policy Network’s presence in the Southern region. In addition to...
ASPIRE Module: Networking Pacing, Fall 2019
Aug. 1, 2019—Will you be attending SFN, American Heart, American Society of Cell Biology Conference this fall? Let’s work together to better prepare for these networking opportunities! The ASPIRE Networking Pacing Module is a series designed to prepare attendees to incorporate networking into their everyday activities and prepare them to network at an upcoming conference. The ASPIRE Networking Pacing...
The State of AI & its Impact on Nashville: A Fireside Chat with Kirk Borne
Jul. 30, 2019—A night of meetups and a fireside chat with Kirk Borne, Booz Allen Hamilton, on the state of AI and its impact on Nashville. About this Event A night for ALL meetups to talk data and AI with Kirk Borne. Sponsored by the Data Science Institute at Middle Tennessee State University This is your opportunity to...
SPEX at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory Postdoctoral Symposium, August 6th
Jul. 1, 2019—Oak Ridge National Laboratory Postdoctoral Association (ORPA) symposium on Tuesday, August 6th. SPEX (Southeastern Postdoctoral Exchange) Mission: To give postdocs opportunities to network and present their work in ways not normally available to them: through invited seminars, symposia, and targeted exchanges with other local institutes Current Partners: University of Kentucky – Lexington and Oak Ridge National Laboratory (more to...
Beer and Biotech May 9th
Apr. 18, 2019—On May 9, join Life Science Tennessee and the Academic Alliance in Nashville at the Flying Saucer to network with each other, idea share and hear about the latest life science industry news. Register here: https://www.eventbrite.com/e/nashville-beer-biotech-may-tickets-60467383572
American Society for Microbiology Student Chapter General Interest Meeting
Apr. 9, 2019—The general interest meeting for the Vanderbilt student chapter of the American Society for Microbiology will be held on April 26th at 4 pm in MRBIII U5202. Anyone who is interested in microbiology careers is welcome, including students, postdocs, and staff. We will be discussing what our group has done in the past as well...
Life Science TN’s Beer and Biotech: March 14
Feb. 28, 2019—The Academic Alliance is the leading host of Life Science Tennessee’s Beer & Biotech events. On March 14, join us in Nashville as our members and friends socialize at Flying Saucer to network with each other, idea share and hear about the latest life science news from interesting speakers. Thu, March 14, 2019 5:30 PM...
Nashville Networking Opportunity with the Southeast Chapter of the American Medical Writers Association
Feb. 20, 2019—Join fellow AMWA members for a casual evening of networking at Diskin Cider in Nashville, TN. See you there! Thursday, March 14 5:30-7:30pm Diskin Cider 1235 Martin St Nashville, TN 37203 RSVP at the link below: https://www.evite.com/event/01194E5FV45YAMSPAEPJGF2DVWC44Y/rsvp