‘Other Events’
Resume 101 is back!
Jan. 11, 2015— For the third year in a row, Dr. Kim Petrie will be presenting, “Resume 101,” the popular seminar that arms BRET PhD and postdocs with a robust resume. In this seminar, you’ll learn how to craft a compelling résumé that showcases your professional skills and accomplishments. We’ll discuss the differences between CVs and résumés,...
Info Session on Engineering Courses for audit, Spring 2015
Nov. 26, 2014—Postdocs and graduate students: Audit a project-based class with Dr. John Bers! Learn more about Enterprise Systems Design at the info session: Friday, December 5, 2014 11:00am Light Hall 350 Registration is requested. Enterprise Systems Design addresses an area that companies often pay less attention to than technology, marketing, strategy, and finance. ESD projects focus on designing...
Case Session with Medical Science Liaison Molly Seale
Nov. 10, 2014—Join PhD Career Connections speaker Molly Seale, PhD, in a small-group career case session to talk more in-depth about her daily life as a Medical Science Liaison. Tuesday, December 16 11:30-12:30pm Light Hall 306 A&B Registration required for admittance. Career Case Session attendance is capped at 25.
Thriving In Pharma: How to find jobs, get an interview, and be successful
Oct. 24, 2014—Thriving In Pharma: How to find jobs, get an interview, and be successful Friday, November 7 12:15-1pm Light Hall 512 **Changed location! Join Nuruddeen Lewis, PhD, as he discusses the tips, tricks, and advice on the pharma career path. Lewis will offer very practical advice on what to expect from working in industry/pharma, how to put...
Work/Life Balance with Kelly Basi, PhD
Oct. 24, 2014—Join Kelly Basi, PhD, as she discusses the work/life balance for a female government researcher. Friday, November 7 1:00-2:00pm Light Hall 433 Attendance is capped so registration is required. Co-sponsored by VUWiSE.
NRSA Seminar with Dr. Kim Petrie
Sep. 2, 2014—The Chemical Biology Interface Training Program is excited to announce a 2-part series this fall, “Writing F31 and F32 NRSA Grants”! Please join us for Part 1 at 1:30 p.m. in 214 Light Hall, September 26th–Kim Petrie, PhD, will discuss the nuts and bolts of grant writing, including what makes NIH fellowships different from research grants, application...
Panel Discussion: Government Jobs for PhDs in Biomedical Research
Aug. 7, 2014—Join this informal panel of NIH program administrators discuss government jobs for PhDs in Biomedical Research. Wednesday, August 20 1:15-2:15pm Light Hall, Room 202 Registration is requested. Panelists include: Patricia (Trish) Labosky, PhD, Program Leader Office of Strategic Coordination Division of Program Coordination, Planning and Strategic Initiatives Office of the Director, NIH Nancy L Desmond,...
Roundtable on Science Policy
Jun. 4, 2014—Learn from your fellow trainees about their experience in science policy! Tuesday, June 17 11:30-1:00pm Light Hall 306 A&B Graduate student from Microbiology & Immunology, Nicole Sexton recently attended a 2-day AAAS science policy workshop in DC and will talk about her experience. Chad Jackson, a postdoc in Biological Sciences, will discuss his experience interviewing for...
Scientist in the Classroom Information Session
Mar. 25, 2014—Are you interested in teaching or learning how to communicate science but don’t know where to begin? Then join the Center for Science Outreach and your peers for an informational session on how to get started. Learn how you can get involved in the Nashville community by working with K-8 students and teaching science one day a week. We are currently accepting applications for interested graduate...
Writing and Publishing Research Manuscripts with Dr. Vivian Siegel
Jan. 24, 2014—Thursday, February 20, 2014 9am-10:30am Light Hall, Room 411 ABCD Dr. Vivian Siegel will discuss how understanding the audience is key to the success of writing and publishing papers. By considering the perspective of the reader(s), which include both scientists in the same field (including reviewers), scientists in other fields, and others (including editors), different...
Resume 101
Jan. 10, 2014—Sponsored by the BRET Office of Career Development and led by Dr. Kim Petrie. Thursday, January 30, 9:30-11am Monday, February 3, 1-2:30pm Thursday, February 6, 9:30-11am 350 Light Hall In this seminar, you’ll learn how to craft a compelling résumé that showcases your professional skills and accomplishments. We’ll discuss the differences between CVs and résumés,...
Etiquette Express
May. 1, 2013—Come get a crash course in entering and exiting conversations, wine etiquette, and thank you note and follow-up protocol. Etiquette Express Monday, May 20 4:00-5:00PM Light Hall, Rm 512 Registration is kindly requested. **If you missed out on the event, please check out the Etiquette Express Tip Sheet for your use! Presented by Kate Stuart, program...