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Physicians for Human Rights Speaks with Otis McGresham of Project Safe

Posted by on Wednesday, April 18, 2018 in Student Activities .

Physicians for Human Rights hosted Otis McGresham, a Prevention Educator and Victim Resource Specialist at Project Safe, to discuss how to support survivors of intimate partner violence (IPV) as medical professions. During this training session last January, we learned about the cycle of violence and factors that perpetuate this cycle, and we discussed clues that would make us suspicious for IPV. We discussed how to introduce screening for IPV into our history-taking, and learned about techniques we can utilize when a patient discloses IPV to us in a clinical setting. Many of us have taken care of patients who are abused by their partners, particularly at Shade Tree, and we felt that this training session helped us to feel empowered to go beyond sympathetic statements and advocate for our patients.
