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Vanderbilt Pride in Medicine

Posted by on Monday, November 21, 2016 in Student Activities .


Pride in Medicine is a student organization within the Vanderbilt University School of Medicine that aims to educate students and staff about LGBTI health issues and disparities, and to provide a supportive community for LGBTI students and students passionate about LGBT issues. In the past few years, the leaders of Pride in Medicine have worked to integrate more LGBTI-oriented lectures and discussion sessions into the 1st- and 2nd-year curriculum in conjunction with several of the supportive professors and wonderful advisors at Vanderbilt.

We have partnered with Students of Stonewall and the leaders of the second-year pediatrics rotation to host a question and answer session with a group of 10-12 high school students who identify as part of the LGBTI community. We have also hosted small group discussions with Transgender patients at Vanderbilt to give VUSM students a chance to learn about LGBT patients’ perspectives on how to streamline and improve the way we currently deliver health care for LGBT youth.

This year, we hope to expand the social activities of Pride in Medicine and provide a safe space for students to find community and support at Vanderbilt. We hope that you reach out to us with any questions you may have about our organization and join us at our talks and social events in the future!

Please visit Pride in Medicine on Anchor Link for more information about this organization.