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Overview of Coursework

Most students enter our program through the Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in the Biomedical Sciences (IGP), the Quantitative and Chemical Biology Program (QCB), or the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP). Vanderbilt University’s Interdisciplinary Graduate Program in Biomedical Sciences organizes first-year training of most graduate students who are interested in basic biological and biomedical research. Subsequently, interested students apply to the Training Program in Pharmacological Sciences. IGP and QCB students are admitted to Vanderbilt University uncommitted to a specific department or Ph.D. program and take a two-semester course.  During the first year of study, students also engage in rotations in four laboratories chosen by the student.  Students who know or expect that they will apply to the Training Program in Pharmacological Sciences should conduct laboratory rotations in approved pharmacology laboratories.  At the end of two semesters of coursework and laboratory rotations, IGP and QCB students declare their intent to pursue a Ph.D. in pharmacology and choose the laboratory in which they will conduct their dissertation research.  Students enter their selected laboratory the summer after their first year of study.

The coursework is designed to impart to students a common framework of basic principles in Pharmacology and related disciplines. This framework is supplemented by exercises that allow students to use and integrate basic principles. All coursework is taught by faculty. An overview of the Program, including the IGP or QCB year, is presented below.

The Ph.D. in Pharmacology requires 72 total credit hours with a minimum of 24 hours of formal, didactic coursework toward the Ph.D. degree (including the 16 hours in the first year IGP, QCB or MSTP). Under rare circumstances, students with advanced degrees (i.e. Master’s, PharmD) might be allowed to enter directly into the Pharmacological Sciences Training Program and the required minimum of 24 hours of didactic course work may be reduced to 15 hours. The specific details need to be approved by the Director of Graduate Studies.


  • See IGP curriculum
  • Visit with Departments
  • Rotations
  • See IGP curriculum
  • Rotations
  • At least one Elective Course

Coursework for the Ph.D. degree is selected based on the student’s undergraduate training and the primary research track that the student is interested in.

  • Laboratory Rotations.
  • Fundamentals of Pharmacology and Drug Discovery (PHAR 8320).
  • Scientific Communication Skills, Part I, Oral (PHAR 8322).
  • Journal Club (PHAR 8310) (see Note 1)
  • Seminars & WIPs (PHAR 8311) (see Note 2)
  • Thesis defenses
  • Present at Department Retreat
  • Ph.D. Research
  • Scientific Communication Skills, Part II, Written (PHAR 8323)
  • Experimental design, statistical methodology, and responsible conduct (PHAR 8328)
  • Journal Club (PHAR 8310) (see Note 1)
  • Seminars & WIPs (PHAR 8311) (see Note 2)
  • Thesis defenses
  • Electives – no minimum program requirements
  • Student-Invited Forum
  • Ph.D. Research
  • Qualifying Examination
  • Ph.D. Research
  • Ph.D. Research
  • Meetings with the Thesis Committee in 6-months intervals or shorter, if needed
  • Continued participation in departmental requirements: presentation at Department Retreat and Student-Invited Forum.
    Note 1: Students in the Pharmacology program within the first to the third year are required to attend all Journal Clubs. They will be granted two Journal Club absences per semester, if the course director is informed in advance. Students in the Pharmacology program beyond the third year are encouraged to attend Journal Clubs to support the younger students. Anchorlink is used to track mandatory attendance.
    Note 2: Students in the Pharmacology program within the first to the fourth year are required to attend 12 seminars/semester. Included in these 12 seminars are all mandatory endowed lectures and at least 6 seminars in Pharmacology (these include the endowed lectures which are mandatory). The remaining 6 seminars can be in any basic research program about any topic that is relevant to a student’s project or of interest to the student. To ensure that all requirements are met, students will submit the list of outside seminars attended to the DGS and the program manager at the end of each semester. Students in the Pharmacology program beyond the fourth year are required to attend endowed lectures and thesis defenses. Beyond that, we hope that students will take advantage of all the offerings at Vanderbilt, but the program will not keep track of attendance at regular seminars. Anchorlink is used to track attendance at Pharmacology events.

Four years after graduate students have taken an RCR course, the course has to be retaken (e.g. IGP 8004 or another RCR course of their choice)


Required Coursework

Pharmacology PHAR-GS 8320. Fundamentals of Pharmacology and Drug Discovery. This course is divided into three five-week modules. The first focuses on the pathophysiology and current pharmacology of representative disease indications to highlight key concepts in pharmacologic approaches to disease treatment. The second focuses on fundamental aspects of pharmacological targets: receptor theory, enzyme kinetics, and cell signaling pathways. The third focuses on fundamental aspects of in vivo pharmacology and drug discovery. These include quantitative modeling of drug absorption, distribution, metabolism, and elimination, as well as target selection and validation, identification of early drug leads, optimization of those leads into compounds suitable for clinical development, transitioning from discovery to the early clinical development phase, and medical and marketing considerations that impact progress of a drug discovery program. The course will be taught by a team of faculty members with considerable real-world experience applying these concepts to drug discovery. In addition to guided readings and lectures, students will participate in active learning exercises designed to enhance students’ understanding of recent developments and the application of fundamental concepts. FALL. Davies, Jones [2-6].


PHAR-GS 8322. Scientific Communications I. This interactive course gives students experience in preparing and delivering scientific presentations that effectively communicate scientific research. In the course, students will prepare and present a 10-minute journal club, a 10-minute specific aims talk for the Pharmacology Retreat, and a 15-minute presentation of their scientific research for a lay audience. Following the course, the student will also be required to present a 30-min Journal Club to the Pharmacology Department during the spring semester. As preparation for their retreat talk, students will also write a draft Specific Aims page and a 2-page Background and Significance section that will be further developed into a full fellowship proposal during the Spring Scientific Communication II course. Prerequisite: Enrollment in the Pharmacology Ph.D. program or consent of course directors. FALL. Davies, Schneider. [2]


PHAR-GS 8323. Scientific Communication Skills II. This course will leverage the writing assignments of the fall Scientific Communications course (8322) to accelerate the preparation of a draft NRSA fellowship (or equivalent such as AHA) application. During the fall course, a draft Specific Aims page is written and critiqued. In this spring course, students will write the next two sections of their application and have it peer-reviewed. These writing assignments are intended to be self-guided with significant support by the student’s mentor. The applications will subsequently be submitted for funding to the proper agency. Pre-requisite: Completion of PHAR-GS 8322 and Enrollment in the Ph.D. program. SPRING. Davies and faculty. [2]


PHAR-GS 8328. Experimental Design, Statistical Methodology, and Responsible Conduct. This course provides the fundamentals necessary to conceptualize all components that lead to responsible research approaches, including methodical experimental design, analytical assessment of relevant literature, and proper interpretation of data. Students learn how to design experiments with rigorous and reproducible results and how to appropriately develop experimental models. Topics include research integrity, bias, scientific transparency, data- and material sharing, proper record maintenance, accurate data presentation, and statistical analysis. The course covers RCR and R&R. SPRING. Konradi. [2]

Note: A grade below B(-) in the required Pharmacology courses is considered a failing grade.

PHAR-GS 8310. Pharmacology Journal Club. Students in the Pharmacology program within the first to the third year are required to attend all Journal Clubs. They will be granted two Journal Club absences per semester, if the course director is informed in advance.
Students in the Pharmacology program beyond the third year are encouraged to attend Journal Clubs to support the younger students. Anchorlink is used to track mandatory attendance. FALL, SPRING. Konradi. [0]


PHAR-GS 8311. Pharmacology Seminars. Students in the Pharmacology program within the first to the fourth year are required to attend 12 seminars/semester. Included in these 12 seminars are all endowed lectures (which are mandatory) and at least six seminars in Pharmacology (these may include the endowed lectures). The remaining six seminars can be in any basic research program about any topic that is relevant to a student’s project or of interest to the student. To ensure that all requirements are met, students will submit the list of outside seminars attended to the DGS and the program manager at the end of each semester.
Students in the Pharmacology program beyond the fourth year are required to attend endowed lectures and thesis defenses. Beyond that, we hope that students will take advantage of all the offerings at Vanderbilt, but the program will not keep track of attendance at regular seminars. Anchorlink is used to track mandatory attendance. FALL, SPRING. Konradi. [0]


Examples of Elective Coursework

Note: The program does not require any hours of electives, although students are encouraged to take advantage of the educational opportunities on campus. Any student who wants to take an elective on any topic related to their area of thesis research, such as Cancer Biology, Diabetes, Cardiology, Ion channel pharmacology, pharmacogenetics/-genomics, neuropharmacology, or any other course that is offered by any program at Vanderbilt University, should talk to the program DGS to get support signing up for their course of choice. Below is one elective course offered by the Pharmacology Program for students interested in neuropharmacology, though that is just one area of interest of our students and faculty. This course is open to all graduate students on campus. An overview of other courses offered at Vanderbilt can be found in the Graduate School Catalog linked from the University Registrar’s website.


PHAR-GS 8338. Principles of Pharmacology in Neurobiological Research. Most biological research depends on principles of pharmacology. Neuroscience is no exception. This course will focus on the application of fundamental principles in pharmacology for understanding the brain and behavior in rodents, as well as how this relates to observations in humans. In the first part of the course, we will discuss traditional and modern tools used to answer precise questions about the neural control of behavior, while in the second part of the course we will examine the challenges of applying pharmacological principles to the multi-dimensional features of mental disorders. The course will incorporate a historical and modern perspective, highlighting neuroscience’s roots in pharmacology and the future of applied neuropharmacology. Prerequisites: Fundamentals of Neuroscience I (NURO 8345) is strongly encouraged. Exceptions will be determined on a case-by-case basis. SPRING. [3] Konradi.


Note: Graduate students in the Pharmacology Program receiving Vanderbilt University financial support (stipend) must devote full-time effort to graduate study. Students cannot accept jobs for pay within or outside the University unless prior approval is given by their advisor, their Director of Graduate Studies, and the Dean for the Office of Biomedical Research Education and Training. Exceptions to this rule include part-time internships and activities that contribute to career development and that do not exceed the time commitment outlined by the National Institutes of Health, and occasional and temporary part-time pursuits (e.g. house sitting). Engagement in outside employment without obtaining approval may result in loss of financial aid, including stipends.