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Previous Meetings

2017 Meeting

2017 Meeting Photo.jpg

Meeting Information and Schedule

Meeting Sponsors:

Stony Brook University Logo    APS Logo    ASPET Logo    


Meeting Contacts

Dr. Miguel Garcia-Diaz
Dr. Stella Tsirka (
Ms. Odalis Hernandez (

2015 Meeting

The 2015 National DGS Meeting was held July 10-12 at the University of Cincinnati, Vontz  Center for Molecular Studies.

Meeting Schedule with Maps

Link to Meeting Presentations

2013 Meeting

the UNT HSC logo in green and black



The 2013 National DGS Meeting was held June 14-16 at the University of North Texas HSC-Ft. Worth.

Meeting Schedule

2011 Meeting

The 2011 National DGS Meeting was held at Michigan State University in East Lansing, MI from July 7-9, 2011.

Meeting Schedule

Meeting Presentations

2009 Meeting

Image result for tulane university school of medicine logo          Image result for lsuhsc


The 2009 National DGS Meeting was held jointly at LSU and Tulane University in New Orleans from April 22-24, 2009, following ASPET’s Experimental Biology meeting.

Meeting Schedule

2007 Meeting

Image result for university of utah logo
The 2007 National DGS Meeting was held at the University of Utah in Salt Lake City, Utah from July 25-28, 2007.
Meeting Schedule

2005 Meeting

Meeting History

This meeting evolved in response to discussions over the past two years amongst training program directors at the Graduate Student Colloquium at FASEB. In the spring of 2004 at the FASEB meeting in Washington, an informal meeting of Directors of Graduate Studies identified a number of challenges faced by training programs and some innovative solutions used by others. At this meeting, a strong consensus was reached that a national meeting dedicated to exchanging information concerning these challenges and solutions would benefit all. Further, many Directors felt that this forum could be used as an opportunity to build a healthy lobby for the discipline of Pharmacology and the training programs run under this discipline.

Some of the issues identified include:

Umbrella programs – Can they help or hurt our ability to recruit and train the best students?

How can training programs respond to reorganization of medical school curriculums, i.e. movement to organ based instruction, that often prevent participation of graduate students in core curriculum courses?

Medical Pharmacology – Do we train students in the medical school course or develop a special course for graduate students?

How can we increase the visibility of Pharmacology as a discipline in undergraduate curriculums? Do current undergraduate programs in Pharmacology represent a fertile ground for recruiting students?

What core knowledge and approaches do all Pharmacology trainees need?

What emerging skills will be required by our students to become leaders in academia, industry, and regulatory affairs?

What funding opportunities and priorities exist at the NIH and other sources?

These are but a few of the common issues faced as Directors. An impressive list of scientists who have agreed to participate in the meeting has already begun to be complied.

Peter Preusch, NIGMS; Predoctoral Training Programs in Pharmacology

Anne Zajicek, Deputy Director NICHD; Pediatric Pharmacology Initiatives

Rochelle Schwartz-Bloom, Duke University; Undergraduate Programs

Robert Gould, Vice President Merck; Industry Training Needs

Lee Limbird, Meharry Medical College; Perspectives from a Pharmacologist

Lou DeFelice, Vanderbilt University; Minority Recruitment and Retention

Roger Chalkley, Vanderbilt University; Umbrella Programs

The meeting in July 2005 addressed these issues, allowed ample time for discussion, and identified additional issues. This meeting was an informal and working gathering of scientists who carry out the day-to-day operation of training programs and who have a passion and interest in graduate training. A major goal was to initiate a continuing dialogue on graduate training in pharmacology.


Meeting Participants

Meeting Presentations

Who to Contact
