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Job Opportunity: The Department of Energy’s EERE Science and Technology Policy (STP) Fellowships

Posted by on Thursday, January 2, 2014 in Job Opportunities .

The Department of Energy’s EERE Science and Technology Policy (STP) Fellowshipswill serve as the next step in the educational and professional development of leaders in energy efficiency and renewable energy policy, providing an opportunity for scientists and engineers with relevant energy technology experience to participate in policy-related projects at DOE’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy in Washington, D.C.

The EERE STP Fellows will apply the expertise gained from advanced degrees and history of conducting research to new and ongoing EERE initiatives. As a result of their participation in the program, Fellows are expected to:

-Gain deep insight into the federal government’s role in the creation and implementation of policies that will affect energy technology development.

-Contribute to the implementation of energy policies by applying their scientific and technical expertise to the development of solutions for problems in the areas of energy efficiency and renewable energy.

-Continue their education and involvement in areas that support the EERE mission either in a technical or policy-related role.

-Introduce policy-related knowledge and interest into research facilities supporting the EERE mission.

Three levels of Fellowships, Fellows, Senior Fellows and Junior Fellows, will allow both recent graduates and experienced scientists and engineers to participate in the EERE STP Fellowships. Fellows will be assigned to policy-related projects and be mentored by senior EERE staff.

Strategic Program Fellows: Applicants selected as a Strategic Programs Fellow will be a member of the Assistant Secretary’s flagship Clean Energy Manufacturing Initiative (CEMI) and will participate in strategic engagement leadership and coordinator activities for summits and other large, public events. The Fellow will assist the CEMI team and EERE senior leadership in developing a strategy for CEMI’s stakeholder engagement as well as content for CEMI events, and conduct extensive outreach to private sector, academic, non-profit, and intergovernmental partners. The Fellow will organize and carry out events critical to EERE’s manufacturing mission and will also organize CEMI’s strategic engagement of stakeholders.


Fellowships will be awarded to applicants based on academic level and experience.

-Fellows are recent Master’s or Ph.D. graduates who have held a graduate degree for less than three years at the time of application.

-Senior Fellows are Master’s or Ph.D. graduates who have held a doctorate degree for more than three years at the time of application and have post-degree experience in a technical or research capacity.

-Junior Fellows are recent Bachelor’s graduates who have held a degree for less than five years at the time of application.

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