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The Liane B. Russell Fellowship

Posted by on Tuesday, January 14, 2014 in Uncategorized .

OAK RIDGE National Laboratory

The Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory has established a new distinguished research award: The Liane B. Russell Fellowship, named for groundbreaking female geneticist Liane Russell. Commencing 2014, this prestigious award is designed to attract a world-class and diverse workforce of early career researchers in all fields of science and engineering. Fellows will conduct high-quality research with the aim of pursuing long-term careers at ORNL, elevating the reputation of the laboratory, and becoming scientific leaders in their field. This innovative award augments ORNL’s four established fellowships: the Eugene P. Wigner, Alvin M. Weinberg, Clifford G. Shull, and Alston S. Householder.

To apply for ORNL fellowships, visit, select “view open positions,” and search for the named fellowship. To apply directly for the Russell Fellowship, visit

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