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PhD Career Connections: Science Publishing

Posted by on Wednesday, March 12, 2014 in Upcoming BRET Office of Career Development Events .

The BRET Office of Career Development presents:

PhD Career Connections: Science Publishing
Thursday, May 1
Light Hall, Room 512

featuring Mirella Bucci, Senior Editor, Nature Chemical Biology 

***Registration is requested.***

Mirella Bucci graduated with a PhD in molecular and cellular biology from Washington University where she worked with Susan Wente on nuclear pore complex assembly. She moved onto a postdoctoral position at Stanford, working with Ron Kopito on protein aggregation in the context of neurodegenerative disease. Finding that she loved to read the literature even well outside of the areas in which she was working, she pursued positions in on science communication. Her first non-academic position was as the cell biology editor for Nature in London. After moving back to the US, she briefly worked as a copywriter at a healthcare communications agency and as a freelance science writer. She is currently a senior editor at Nature Chemical Biology in the San Francisco Nature office. She and three other editors read and evaluate >100 manuscripts a month and mange peer review of those that make the first editorial cut. They all ultimately put together the entire journal every month, which includes writing editorials, commissioning Review articles and writing brief stories about papers appearing in the journal as well as the wider literature.

Nature Chemical Biology is an international monthly journal that provides a high-visibility forum for the publication of top-tier original research and commentary in chemical biology, a field that combines the scientific ideas and approaches of chemistry, biology and allied disciplines to understand and manipulate biological systems with molecular precision. We seek to publish manuscripts that report major conceptual or methodological advances at the chemistry-biology interface that are likely to open up innovative avenues of research in the field. In addition to publishing original research, Nature Chemical Biology provides a forum for the exchange of ideas between scientists in the chemical and life sciences and a community resource for this emerging field. To this end, we publish content including review articles, highlights of relevant research published in other journals and commentaries that present topics of scientific and community interest. I will describe the scope and content of the journal, the submission and editorial selection process, and the role (and hopefully, value) of professional editors. I will also describe the ways that we and journals in general are changing with new trends in publishing (think open access, reproducibility, and social networking).


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