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Presidential Management Fellow (PMF) “Virtual Panel” for Finalists

Posted by on Thursday, April 17, 2014 in Uncategorized .

The PMF Advisory Council at the State Department and USAID is hosting a Google+ Hangout for 2014 PMF finalists on Wednesday, April 23, from 7:00 PM to 8:30 PM EST.  This “virtual panel” will include a diverse group of past and present State/USAID PMFs to provide Finalists with perspectives on common questions about getting a job at State, life as a PMF at State, etc.

RSVP and detailsGoogle+Hangout 2014 PMFs ; and pleas take our mini-survey here:

Submit questions:  Submit any questions you have for panelists and vote for other questions by 12 PM EST on April 23, 2014here:

View it liveView the panel live on Google+ (link above), YouTube and PMF Info ( Other sites may be added shortly – please see the Hangout site for further details.  The session will not be recorded. 

Note: The 2014 Finalist list can be found here.

Disclaimer: Current and former PMFs participating in the Google+ Hangout are speaking in their personal capacity and not on behalf of the Department of State or USAID or the PMF Programs at State and USAID. We are not hiring managers and cannot make job offers to PMFs. Participation in this Google+ Hangout session is purely an opportunity offered by PMFs for PMFs for information, and has no bearing on your ability to secure a job offer from the State Department.

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