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Career Case Session: Big Data with Elizabeth Ann Stringer

Posted by on Monday, February 23, 2015 in Upcoming BRET Office of Career Development Events .

Career Case Session with Elizabeth Ann Stringer

Tuesday, March 10


​Light Hall 433

This small-group session will be an in-depth focus on Dr. Stringer’s day-to-day activities.

Registration is required to attend.


Elizabeth Ann Stringer, a Nashville native, graduated from Sewanee in 2003 with a B.S. in Physics and from Vanderbilt in 2010 with a Ph.D. in Neuroscience. Her doctoral research focused on mapping somatosensory and pain processing in the healthy human brain with ultra high field fMRI at 7T. During her postdoctoral training at Stanford, she worked on several projects including measuring the neural effects of opioid exposure using MRI in the treatment of various pain syndromes and identifying biomarkers for chronic inflammatory conditions such as chronic fatigue syndrome, fibromyalgia, and Gulf War illness.
In 2013, Elizabeth Ann moved back to Nashville and started working for an early-stage startup, Axial Healthcare. Axial is a pain care solutions company, informed by advanced analytics and clinical evidence, and enabled by technology. Elizabeth Ann mines healthcare claims data to identify pain patients at risk for poor medical outcomes and to evaluate the performance of practitioners practicing in the pain space.

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