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2016 Full-time Associate Opportunities at McKinsey & Company

Posted by on Tuesday, March 17, 2015 in Uncategorized .

Did you know that McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting firm, has been hiring advanced professional degree (APD) candidates just like you for over 20 years? Over 40% of our 9000+ consultants in our 100+ offices worldwide hold PhD, MD, JD and non-MBA Masters degrees.

2016 Full-time Associate Opportunities 
Full-time Application Deadline:  Applications accepted online now through mid-July 2015 
Full-time Interviews: August through October 2015 
*If you are applying to Insight, you do not need to submit a separate application for our full-time opportunities 

If you like the idea of a career alternative that will stimulate and challenge you, along with the opportunity to work with highly motivated colleagues in a supportive, team-based environment, please visit our website to for details on eligibility and to submit your application: 

Web Presentations 
If you are unable to join us on campus, we are hosting web based presentations to help graduate students learn more about McKinsey & Company and our Insight programs. Please visit our “Online Events” section on our website for available dates and to RSVP: 

Diversity & Inclusion at McKinsey 
At McKinsey, we are dedicated to building a great firm that attracts, develops, excites, and retains exceptional people. We aspire to be recognized as the best professional services firm in the world for all candidates, regardless of race, gender identity, sexual orientation, or background. To learn more about McKinsey Women, please follow us on Facebook @ McKinseyWomen and view our electronic women's brochure. To learn more about our other diversity networks, including Black Consultants at McKinsey, Hispanic and Latino Consultants at McKinsey, and LGBT colleagues at McKinsey, please visit the Diversity & Inclusion section of our website

Please feel free to forward this e-mail to graduate students who might be interested in learning about career opportunities with McKinsey & Company. 
Please contact your recruiter should you have questions: 
Kate McClain, Recruiter 
McKinsey & Company

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