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Apply for VU Program in Molecular Medicine

Posted by on Wednesday, April 13, 2016 in Uncategorized .

The Vanderbilt Program in Molecular Medicine is a unique training program available to graduate students and postdoctoral fellows in the Biomedical Sciences at Vanderbilt University allowing for integration of thesis work with important clinical, disease-based areas. This program provides a supervised experience, including didactic and experiential courses, seminars and individual experiences, under the guidance of a clinical mentor and a basic science mentor.

Apply for a spot in the program by July 1!

VPMM Application Guidelines

Email the following documents as a single pdf file to Angie Pernell, cc to Dr. Mark de Caestecker (Director of the VPMM) before July 1st 2016. Please number and head each of the pages. Decisions will be made by the VPMM leadership by August 1st 2016 for the fall semester class.

Page 1: Your name, whether you are a graduate student or post doc, what year you are in, what department you are in and whether you are (or will be) on a training grant (personal or institutional). Who your research mentor is, and if possible, suggest 3 potential clinical mentors that you might choose if you are accepted onto the program (these do not have to be contacted in advance, but if you have already made contact, please indicate this in the application.

Page 2: Your personal statement. This should include your reasons for wanting to join the VPMM, your goals for graduate or post-doctoral studies, and your future professional plans after completing this phase of your studies. < 500 words.

Pages 3-4: Your proposed (or current) research plans, and how these might integrate with the goals of the VPMM to enhance medical knowledge and help individual students or post doctoral fellows to develop some aspect of their research plans in human-based, or translational research. <1000 words.

A copy of your CV

A letter of support from your research mentor: This must outlining his/her support for your participating in the VPMM including all of its required activities, and also his/her commitment to support you trying to develop (nothing is guaranteed or required) some aspect of your research to involve human-based, or translational research with VPMM support.


There will be 3 informational meetings:

4/13/16 4PM 431 LH

5/5/16 9AM 431 LH

5/18/16 12PM 433 LH

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