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Job Posting: Program Manager, Office of Postdoctoral Affairs, Vanderbilt University

Posted by on Thursday, May 19, 2016 in Uncategorized .

Program Manager – Office of Postdoctoral Affairs (Job Number: 1604321), Vanderbilt University

This position provides judicious and prudent leadership for the long-term and short-term growth of the Vanderbilt University Office of Postdoctoral Affairs which serves the large and complex community of postdoctoral research fellows at Vanderbilt. The OPA encourages individual postdoctoral fellows to develop career-building skills and reach a level of productivity which will promote the individual postdoc and therefore the reputation of Vanderbilt as an institution. This position supports the Vanderbilt Postdoctoral Association in its effort to increase postdoctoral involvement and enthusiasm at Vanderbilt and to support the National Postdoctoral Association’s goal of public education to increase national support of research funding.

Key Functions and Expected Performance:
Directs long-range strategic planning for the office and program, including the setting of goals and objectives.
1) Work in close collaboration with the Assistant Dean of the Graduate School who oversees postdoctoral affairs
2) Also manages the day to day operations of the office.
3) Manage daily appointments and reappointments of postdoctoral fellows.
4) Communicate continuously with a community of ever-changing postdoctoral fellows and faculty and administrators from all across campus.
5) Manage data for operational and statistical report analysis.
6) Prepare monthly and yearly reports.

Develops, manages and implements public relations efforts for the service of the office.
1) Create and maintain website for the postdoctoral office. Promote and educate postdoctoral fellows, faculty and staff through continuous development of this site.
2) At faculty request, meet with prospective research fellow recruits.
3) Oversee the revisions of the Postdoc Office Handbook.
4) Promote postdoctoral news and events through the postdoc email list, website, and the University Calendar.
5) Plan and execute the Annual Postdoctoral Family Picnic to celebrate National Postdoc Appreciation Week.
6) Collaborate with administrators from US and international institutions regarding postdoctoral policies and our success stories here at Vanderbilt.

Oversees the planning and execution of the services of the office.
1) Develop a system to expedite the fellow appointment and reappointment process. Create and maintain a server-secured file system for the postdoc office.
2) Meet individually with new postdoctoral fellows, familiarizing them with the Association of American Medical Colleges’ Compact Between Postdoctoral Appointees and Their Mentors and use of the Individual Development Plan. Inform new postdocs of helpful resources to develop scientific writing skills critical to manuscript writing and funding application, the two most important measurements of postdoctoral fellow progress.
3) Establish, revise and implement procedures for setting salaries and stipends based on grantor award stipulations, in consultation with the Dean of the 
Graduate School and other University leaders.
4) Consult with faculty and administrators regarding performance issues and explain use of the Individual Development Plan to outline short-term goals for performance improvement and documentation. Meet with postdocs experiencing problems, both personal and professional, and help them find appropriate resources for assistance.
5) Advise administrators of the special criteria and required documentation related to Visiting Research Fellow appointments. Liaison with ISSS regarding visa issues.
6) Advise and encourage postdocs seeking individual funding. Explain appropriate grant applications and the extensive assistance available, both in the BRET office and in the Vanderbilt Office of Research. Inform postdocs and administrators of NIH- and NSF-required information regarding Vanderbilt’s institutional promotion of Responsible Conduct in Research training, Individual Development Plan for postdoctoral research fellows and Career Development resources including the ASPIRE program.

Designs, implements and manages financial development of the office services.
1) Purchase and account for supplies and services for events and travel for the Office of Postdoctoral Affairs and the Postdoctoral Association 

This position requires a Bachelor's and 3 years of experience or the equivalent.

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