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2016 SESYNC Postdoctoral Fellowship Program

Posted by on Monday, September 19, 2016 in Uncategorized .

The National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC), located in Annapolis, Maryland, invites applications for two-year postdoctoral fellowships to begin in August 2017. SESYNC emphasizes synthesis research, an approach that accelerates knowledge production by distilling or integrating existing data, ideas, theories, and methods to draw more reliable conclusions and to reveal novel areas of study. The fellowship provides an annual stipend awarded for a maximum of two years and include structured mentoring programs and opportunities in ongoing Center activities.

The mission of National Socio-Environmental Synthesis Center (SESYNC) is to foster synthetic, actionable science related to the structure, functioning, and sustainability of socio-environmental systems.


  • To be eligible for the fellowship, prospective fellows must have received their Ph.D. within the past four years: no earlier than June 15, 2013, and no later than July 20, 2017.
  • If the applicant has not received their Ph.D. at the time they submit their application, a letter from their graduate advisor or a committee member must also be submitted with the final application.
  • The letter should verify expectations for a date of degree completion. Candidates who are offered a fellowship but do not complete their Ph.D. by July 20, 2017, will have to reapply

How to Apply:

  • Applications must be submitted as a single PDF file with all sections in the following order:
  • Cover Sheet
  • Research Proposal
  • Status of Synthesis Material
  • Anticipated Cyberinfrastructure Needs
  • Interdisciplinary Goals
  • List of 3 Potential Collaborating Mentors
  • Full CV of the Applicant
  • Applications will be accepted in digital format as a single PDF only. The link is:

Financial Aid and Award Money:

  • Appointments will be through the University of Maryland, and fellowship awardees must be based full-time at SESYNC’s facilities in Annapolis, Maryland. Fellows may have the opportunity to spend part of their time at the offices of our partner organization, Resources for the Future, located in Washington, D.C.
  • The SESYNC postdoctoral fellowship provides an annual stipend, full University of Maryland employee benefits, and a small annual travel allowance to attend meetings or to meet with collaborators
  • Postdoctoral fellowships are awarded for a maximum of two years and include structured mentoring programs and opportunities in ongoing Center activities
  • Collaborating Mentors will also receive support to travel to SESYNC to work with the fellow

Submitting Details:

The letters should be submitted directly by the recommender, separately from your application, via email to

Application Deadline:

The completed application packet must be submitted by December 5, 2016.

Link for More Information:

Contact Information:

If you have questions, contact SESYNC at

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