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Call for Bloggers: BEST Consortium

Posted by on Friday, August 17, 2018 in Announcements .

Your school’s BEST career development program is part of a national effort to help biomedical PhDs and postdocs prepare for a variety of career options. Only a handful of schools have programs like yours and we want to give others a taste of your experience. We are looking for new bloggers to write diary-style entries about the career development process to be published on the national NIH BEST website.


Audience: U.S. biomedical PhDs and postdocs

Time commitment: 1 blog/month for 6 months. The series will run from October – March

Content: You can see previous blogs postings at You will write in a diary format to share your progress in reaching your career goals. For example, you might write about a career development speaker/workshop/course and how it impacted you; the struggle of writing to people asking for informational interviews; contacts that proved helpful; a career-related identity shift; a career interest that surprised you; balancing career development efforts with your lab work; awkward networking interactions; or anything else that happened that month in relation to career development.

Considerations: The blog will be posted publicly online. We would like to use your real name and photo, but you can be vague when it comes to others (who you networked with or where you are interning).


If you are interested in sharing your career development process and gaining some writing experience, please send the following (in a narrative format) to Laura Daniel by September 15, 2018:

  • Name
  • School
  • Area of Expertise (i.e., pharmacology, bioinformatics, etc.)
  • Your progress in the career development process. (i.e., 1st year Ph.D. just starting to explore careers, 5th year Ph.D. about to actively job hunt, or postdoc pursuing one career but exploring backup career options, etc.)
  • Career interests

Depending on the response, we may request a short writing sample. Feel free to send questions to Laura.



Laura Daniel, Ph.D.

BEST Consortium Associate Director

Biomedical Research Education & Training

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