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Transitioning to a Career in Regulatory Affairs: a Two-Day Campus Workshop

Posted by on Thursday, January 17, 2019 in Announcements .

The BRET Office of Career Development is excited to welcome Linda Bowen, a senior regulatory policy and intelligence leader and speaker, to lead the special opportunity:

Transitioning to a Career in Regulatory Affairs

The workshop will be held on Friday, March 8 AND Saturday, March 9, both days from 8:00am to 4:00pm, in Light Hall.

Check out the WORKSHOP AGENDA:

Day One

  1. Transitioning to a Career in Regulatory Affairs
  2. An Overview of the FDA including Food & Drug Law
  3. The Drug Review and Approval Process
  4. Expedited Pathways
  5. The OTC Regulatory Environment

Day Two

  1. Generics
  2. Biosimilars
  3. Regenerative medicine and the future
  4. Medical Device overview
  5. Locating and Analyzing Precedent


To apply:


This workshop initiative is made possible and was sponsored through a Burroughs-Wellcome Foundation facilitated by John Hopkins University School of Medicine.

The deadline to apply is Monday, February 4, 11:59pm.

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