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ASPIRE Module: Creating Effective Scientific Talks and Delivering Them with Confidence, Fall 2019

Posted by on Thursday, August 1, 2019 in Upcoming BRET Office of Career Development Events .

The ASPIRE Modules are short, non-credit bearing electives that broaden the training experiences of biomedical sciences trainees. These elective modules provide efficient exposure to topics in four theme areas: Business/ Entrepreneurship, Communication, Teaching, and Clinical research.The ASPIRE Modules are optional and open to any biomedical sciences PhD student or postdoctoral fellow who wishes to take them to supplement their research training. Class size may be limited, however, and will vary by module.


Title: “Creating Effective Scientific Talks and Delivering Them With Confidence”

Course Director:  Kathy Gould, PhD,  Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, Associate Dean for Biomedical Sciences

Course Description: This module will provide basic instruction in strategies of engaging your audiences with maximally effective slide preparation and speaking techniques. It will also provide practice opportunities with critical but supportive feedback.

Learning Objectives:

  • How to tailor your talk for different audiences
  • How to organize scientific material into an effective presentation
  • How to develop an effective speaking style
  • Create or revise a 10-minute talk about your research


Session 1: Basic strategies and tips for organizing your material into maximally effective slides customized to your audience
​Session 2: Strategies to refine your delivery: exercises for talk preparation, controlling pace, articulation, and managing stress.
Schedule optional meeting to review and optimize slides
Session 3: Practice talks with peer and faculty feedback. Optional filming

Time: 3 Sessions, Mondays, 4:00-5:30 pm, September 16, September 23, September 30 (October 7 will be reserved for further recordings of practice presentations)

Registration requirement: 2-6 sentence statement of interest

Registration deadline: Friday, August 30, 2019



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