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Job Opportunity: Biological Methods Course Instructor, Department of Biology, Austin Peay State University, Clarksville, TN

Posted by on Thursday, August 8, 2019 in Announcements .

Dr. Don Daily is looking for an instructor for a Biological Methods course at Austin Peay State University. Course information is below. For additional information, please contact Dr. Daily:

Don C. Dailey, Ph.D.
Chair, Prof. Biology
Austin Peay State University
Department of Biology

Biological Methods
Biology 3000

Tuesdays and Thursdays 8a-10a

COURSE DESCRIPTION:  Introduction to methods for conducting and interpreting biological research. Specific topics include: the scientific method; critical thinking; logic of hypothesis testing; basic experimental design; basic statistical methods; interpretation of primary scientific literature; acquisition, analysis, and presentation of scientific data.

EDUCATION GOALS/OBJECTIVES ADDRESSED:  It is the general objective of this course to introduce you to the ways in which biologists approach research. Biology is a dynamic and rapidly advancing science, and this course will help you understand how and why research is at the core of biology. This course emphasizes problem solving and analyzing scientific information from a variety of sources and will provide an introduction to critical thinking and presenting information in oral and written formats.

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