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The Role of an Editor: A Career Path Talk Featuring Manuel Breuer, PhD

Posted by on Thursday, September 26, 2019 in Upcoming BRET Office of Career Development Events .

Do any of the following apply to you?

  • you have an interest in science communication/writing/editing
  • you have always wondered what it was like to work for a science journal
  • you career path is still undecided, but you would like to learn more about science communication
  • you know what you want to do, it’s not related to science writing, but you still like to hear about different career paths

If so, then be sure to attend this career seminar with Dr. Manuel Breuer. He has several years of experience in science communication/internal communication and scientific outreach, and will discuss his path to editor at the Journal of Cell Science.

Add this to your Google Calendar!

Registration is requested

Dr. Manuel Breuer is a Features and Reviews Editor for the Journal of Cell Science. He is in charge of the commissioning of Reviews, Cell Science at a Glance posters, writing News&Views, Interviews (‘Cell Scientists to Watch’), and Features. He received his PhD in Cell/Cellular and Molecular Biology from Pierre and Marie Currie University, and completed a postdoc at the University of Edinburgh in the Ohkura lab. 

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