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VU Office of Federal Relations offering summer 2021 internship opportunities to grad students and undergrads

Posted by on Thursday, December 10, 2020 in Job Opportunities .

The Vanderbilt University Office of Federal Relations works to promote Vanderbilt University’s priorities, focusing on federal support of university-based research; policies related to higher education; and other federal policies that impact the university. The Office’s efforts to shape higher education and research policies include making federal officials aware of Vanderbilt’s expertise in key areas of concern and advocating for positions that advance the interests of Vanderbilt and the broader higher education community, often in collaboration with other research universities and national associations and coalitions.

Each summer, we  invite an intern to our team to have a firsthand look at the federal policymaking process. Interns will be a part of our office’s daily undertakings in furtherance of Vanderbilt’s objectives, and will gain a better understanding of the role various advocates and stakeholders play in influencing public policy more broadly. The Summer 2021 internship may be paid or for academic credit; it may be virtual or in-person, at the discretion of OFR.

The position details can be found in the attached flyer, on our website, and on DoreWays (Job ID: 91093). The ideal candidate would have a strong interest in the federal policy process and issues of interest to the university. Strong writing and critical thinking skills are a must! Some of the intern responsibilities will include:

  • Researching public policy initiatives related to the university’s federal policy priorities
  • Tracking legislation related to the university’s priorities
  • Attending hearings and briefings on and off Capitol Hill
  • Publishing a weekly e-newsletter that is sent to Capitol Hill staff
  • Drafting social media content to support our advocacy efforts
  • Contributing to a daily round-up of federal news items sent to Vanderbilt faculty and staff
  • Updating communications tools

This opportunity is open to both undergraduate and graduate students. You can apply through DoreWays or by sending your application materials to Heather Bloemhard at heather.bloemhard@Vanderbilt.Edu by February 1, 2021. Students with questions about the internship opportunity can reach out to Heather. While the opportunity is open to graduate students, please note that it would require a full-time commitment for most of the summer; this opportunity may only be appropriate for individuals who can completely step away from their research for that amount of time.

A complete application will include:

  • Cover letter
  • Resume
  • Contact information for two references – for example, a professor, supervisor, or peer with whom you have worked closely on a project
  • 400-word policy memo on a policy topic of your choice


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