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Wond’ry Innovation Consulting Program Recruiting

Posted by on Tuesday, September 7, 2021 in Announcements .

The Wond’ry is the innovation and entrepreneurial epicenter of Vanderbilt University. From engineers to scientists to entrepreneurs to artists, the Wond’ry is the primary point of connection for students interested in innovation and entrepreneurship. Visit the website to learn more-

The Wond’ry Innovation Consulting Program is a venture-focused initiative for all graduate students interested in strategy and management consulting. Our consultants provide the combination of subject matter expertise and business skills to develop businesses launched at Vanderbilt.

This program is open to all Vanderbilt graduate students who are interested in consulting and business development. Prior experience in these areas is preferred but not necessary. All students who are selected to be part of this program will receive training in business and consulting principles and a library of online resources to facilitate their project with the clients.

Please fill out this form to apply:

Selected consultants will be grouped into teams of 4-5 according to their interests and experience. Teams will be led by a project leader with relevant experience. Teams will work with clients for a 4-week project to assist in developing a key element of their venture, meeting once a week in person for an hour and communicating virtually through the week. Our clients encompass a wide variety of industry sectors- such as healthcare, consumer technology, media and more.

If you have any questions, please email us at – and include WICP in the title.
