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Employer Info Session: PRIME PhD Student Opportunity

Posted by on Monday, October 4, 2021 in Announcements, Upcoming BRET Office of Career Development Events .

The ASPIRE Program is excited to welcome PRIME, Inc for a virtual employer information session on Monday, October 25, at noon.

At PRIME, we are passionate about improving patients’ lives by advancing the delivery of high quality, patient-centered care through research-informed medical education.

PRIME’s Scientific Affairs Team is a dynamic group of PhD and PharmD trained individuals working across every stage of program development, from grant writing to content development to survey design, data review, and publication

PRIME is hosting this information session to discuss
1) Overview of PRIME,
2) Career Path in Medical Education, and
3) PRIME’s PhD Student Fellowship Program & How to Apply

PRIME currently has an opening for a Scientific Affairs remote position within their PhD Student Fellowship Program. Job link here.

Register in advance for this meeting:

Panelists include:

Cherilyn Heggen earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and her PhD in Immunology from North Carolina State University. She joined PRIME in 2015 and leads a team of grant writers and clinical leads, overseeing planning, development, evaluation, and clinical interpretation of integrated educational initiatives for health care teams, providers, payers, patients, and health systems

Laura Simone earned her Bachelor of Science degree in Biology from Truman State University and her PhD in Cancer Research, concentrating on cancer immunology, from the University of Nebraska Medical Center. She joined PRIME in 2015 and oversees strategic planning, development, and evaluation of educational initiatives in the areas of infectious diseases, and chronic inflammatory, allergy, and respiratory condition

Larissa Jarzylo earned her Bachelor of Arts degree in Biological Sciences from Smith College, and her PhD in Molecular and Cellular Biology from Boston University. She joined PRIME in 2020 and leads the strategic planning, content development, and execution of educational initiatives for the Neurology and Mental Health division of the Scientific Affairs team.

David Cappel earned his Bachelor of Science in Molecular Biology from Princeton University and his PhD in Molecular Physiology from Vanderbilt University. He joined PRIME last month and serves as PRIMEs Scientific Affairs Manager. David has over 10 years of experience in biomedical research with a focus on the effects of metabolic disease on muscle and liver.

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