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FIRST IRACDA Postdoctoral Training Program

Posted by on Tuesday, January 11, 2022 in Announcements, Job Opportunities .

Fellowships in Research and Science Teaching (FIRST) is the largest and longest continuously-running NIGMS/IRACDA postdoctoral training program in the US. FIRST combines the faculties of one of the top national research universities and four of the minority servicing institutions in the Atlanta metropolitan area with 5.4 million people to increase the quantity and quality of post-doctoral fellows achieving careers in biological/ biomedical sciences. The program of interdisciplinary research education combines a foundation for investigating cellular and molecular mechanisms with a teaching mentorship that includes instruction in pedagogy, classroom technologies, mentorship of undergraduates, teaching experience, course development and production of web-based courses. The program faculty have the experience and expertise to provide the critical foundation for outstanding postdoctoral professional development. Launched in 2000, FIRST has more than 200 current and alumni fellows, virtually all of whom have careers in science. Half of FIRST fellows are African-American and more than 70 percent are women. The fellows will spend most of their time and effort in the research laboratory of their chosen research mentor and 3 percent effort in professional development. For one semester, FIRST fellows will attend weekly classes in teaching and working in pairs will develop teaching skills and course materials. Then, while working with a teaching mentor, fellows will teach an undergraduate science course at one of the Atlanta University Center schools (AUC).

Learn more and apply here:

