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MassBio Drive Analyst, remote volunteer opportunity

Posted by on Friday, May 20, 2022 in Announcements .

If you have an interest in start-ups, entrepreneurship, technology transfer, business development, or consulting you may find this a great learning and networking opportunity!

Along with other graduate students primarily in the Boston area, help support Mass Bio, the Massachusetts BIO affiliate (think, Life Science TN for our local version),  an industry advocacy organization in their MassBioDrive Initiative.

Starting in Spring 2022, Mass Bio is supporting up to 5 start-ups twice annually to participate in a new accelerator program MassBioDrive to help launch early-stage biotech startups.  They are recruiting analysts to help them vet applicants for the program.  As an analyst, you will help review the cohort application, conduct due diligence research and provide a recommendation on whether the start up would be a good fit for the program.

More info here: MassBioDrive-Analyst-Overview-F22

To apply:  Interested trainees can send their CVs to by June 10. Our team will review and notify selected analysts by June 17.

Any questions?  Please contact Ashley Brady at for more info.

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