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ASPIRE Biomedical Scientist’s Toolkit: A Fair Look-How to Review a Paper

Posted by on Friday, July 15, 2022 in Upcoming BRET Office of Career Development Events .

Thursday, March 2, 2023
11:00 am
Location Light Hall 350


Kathy Gould, Ph.D.,
Senior Associate Dean for Biomedical Research,
Education and Career Development and Louise B. McGavock Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology

Reviewing scientific manuscripts is an important skill to develop during your training, is a critical service to the scientific community that will be expected of you as you progress in your training, and it helps you to write better papers. Kathy Gould, Ph.D., Louise B. McGavock Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology and Senior Associate Dean for Biomedical Research, Education and Career Development will lead this session in which you will take a look at how to approach reviewing a paper and what goes in to writing a helpful review. Tips will be shared that detail the step-by-step process to ensure that you have evaluated a manuscript critically and fairly to provide the feedback necessary to help the editor make a sound decision about publishing the work.

For more information on upcoming sessions:

