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Spring Semester Library Workshops

Posted by on Thursday, January 19, 2023 in Announcements, Workshops and Seminars .

During the spring semester, the Libraries’ Digital Scholarship and Communications (DiSC) Office is offering a series of free lessons and workshops to help you build your technical skills:

  • The Beginner Python lessons will introduce participants to this popular programming language and the Colab notebook platform allows learners to code in Python immediately without any installation.
  • The Introduction to R using RStudio will introduce beginners to this popular programming platform commonly used for data wrangling, statistical analysis, and data visualization. The Posit Cloud platform allows learners to code immediately without any installation.
  • The GIS workshops will introduce you to the basics of geographic information systems using ESRI’s ArcPro, open-source QGIS, and the highly accessible ArcGIS Online. They will also cover Storymaps and Social Explorer.

If you want to learn about network analysis, an introductory workshop will be offered as well as a workshop on bibliometric analysis.

Many of these lessons are available remotely and some will also be offered in-person. For more information and registration, visit .

