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Job opportunity: Postdoctoral Associate in Diabetes and Liver Disease Research at UMass Chan Medical School

Posted by on Thursday, August 17, 2023 in Job Opportunities .

A postdoctoral associate position is available in the laboratory of Prof. Jason Kim, Program in Molecular Medicine, for a highly motivated candidate with a Ph.D. and/or M.D. to conduct NIH-funded research investigating the pathogenesis of metabolic liver disease and type 2 diabetes using physiologic, molecular, and cell-based approaches in transgenic mice.

The ideal candidate should have a strong background in molecular and cell biology and immunology, as the newly funded project involves the use of primary Kupffer cells, hepatocytes, natural killer cells, T cells, and hepatic stellate cells in NASH mouse models and various in vitro systems using AAV and siRNA.

The ideal candidate should demonstrate solid writing skills capable of drafting a manuscript, analytical skills with statistics and a basic understanding of bioinformatics, communication skills to work effectively with other lab members, and a positive personality to engage in team research.

Building on the prior expertise in molecular and cell biology, the candidate will be trained in elegant in vivo metabolic and physiologic approaches to lead exciting and complex research projects aimed at determining the molecular mechanism of metabolic liver disease and identifying new signaling pathways in the liver.

The candidate will also be trained in grant writing with the expectation to apply for postdoctoral grants during the 1st year and will be engaged in multiple collaborative projects with other leading diabetes investigators, establishing professional networks.

Notably, the candidate must be fully committed to learning the investigative process, developing a strong hypothesis, carefully designing experiments with anticipated outcomes and pitfalls, and analyzing the scientific data with utmost rigor for high-impact presentations and publications.

Strong publication history during graduate training, prior submission of predoctoral grant applications, and most enthusiastic letters from current and past mentors (minimum of 3 references) are highly encouraged.

Qualifications: Education, experience, and skills required for consideration:

  • Ph.D. in molecular biology, cell biology, immunology, or related disciplines
  • M.D. and prior research experiences in molecular biology, cell biology, and immunology
  • Strong work ethic and motivation to apply skills toward solving biological problems of human diseases
  • Excellent analytical skills with statistics and independent judgment
  • Highly collegial and works well as a team member
  • Solid written and verbal communication skills
  • Desire to be trained in high-quality scientific research with the goal of becoming an independent investigator

To Apply:

Applicants should submit the following materials via email to Prof. Jason Kim at a cover letter describing the applicants research expertise, past and current projects, and training goals; a CV (including a complete list of publications), and contact information for three references, one of which should be a Ph.D. advisor or equivalent.
