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Apply for the California Council on Science and Technology Fellows Program

Posted by on Wednesday, December 6, 2023 in Announcements .

Every year, California decision makers must make critical decisions on a number of complex and dynamic issues facing our state, such as the state’s water supply, energy grid, and public health. To help address this, the CCST Science & Technology Policy Fellows program annually recruits and trains a cohort of fifteen PhD scientists and engineers to spend one year working in Sacramento, directly serving decision makers within the California State Legislature and Executive Branch.

During their year of public service, these scientific minds get a front-row seat learning about the craft and process of policymaking in the state of California. CCST S&T Policy Fellows work alongside decision makers to evaluate complex scientific issues and interpret data, while tackling the responsibilities of full-time staffers.

The CCST S&T Policy Fellows program is a win-win for California. These talented individuals gain valuable experience and training in public policy and leadership. In turn, state decision makers are given access to science-savvy staff who can inform policy discussions with scientific perspectives and expertise.

Apply here
