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Job Opportunity: Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Louisville, KY

Posted by on Wednesday, February 21, 2024 in Job Opportunities .

The School of Medicine at the University of Louisville invites applications for tenure-track faculty positions in the Department of Microbiology and Immunology at the Assistant/Associate Professor level from applicants with research interests and a strong record of productivity in cancer immunology including clinical and experimental Immunotherapy, CAR-T cells, reprogramming of tumor microenvironment, and/or role of microbiome in cancer immunotherapy.

Candidate Requirements: Appointment is at the level of Assistant/Associate Professor, with preference for candidates whose research expertise will complement existing strengths of faculty currently in the School of Medicine. Successful applicants will participate in departmental activities including graduate or medical school teaching. The position offers a competitive salary and startup package commensurate with qualifications and experience.

Minimum Requirements: Ph.D. or M.D. or equivalent

Desirable Qualifications:
Strong record of scientific accomplishments and research excellence.
Potential for research and educational interactions with members of the Department of Microbiology & Immunology, the Immuno-Oncology
program of the Brown Cancer Center, the Division of Immunotherapy, and other research units at the University of Louisville.

Application Process:

Applicants should submit:

(1) a cover letter

(2) a summary of present and future research plans

(3) curriculum vitae

(4) the names/email addresses of three references (one file attachment).


NOTE: Only ONE attachment can be uploaded per application. If you wish to include a cover letter or other documents, please combine them as one document with your resume/cv, save the document with a simple short title that contains only letters, spaces, or numbers, and then upload.

Apply here

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