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Join us for Princeton’s GradFUTURES Forum- graduate professional development conference April 8-12

Posted by on Tuesday, March 26, 2024 in Announcements, Path to Career Resources, Workshops and Seminars .

The GradFUTURES team in Princeton’s Graduate School are pleased to invite you and your graduate students and postdocs to our 5th annual GradFUTURES Forum, the graduate student professional development conference on April 5- 12. With inspiring keynote speakers, interactive workshops and career panels, the event offers opportunities for meaningful professional growth and exploration of diverse futures within and beyond the academy.

The full schedule of events is available at Forum is open to the graduate community at your institutions. Many of these events are online and open access. Majority of in-person events will be recorded and recording shared upon request. Please request recordings in RSVPs. We would greatly appreciate your help in sharing this event with graduate students, postdocs, and colleagues in your institutions and amplifying across your networks.

Here’s a quick sampling of Forum events that may be of interest, all are welcome to attend:

  • Monday, April 8, 12 pm The Success Factor: Skillset & Mindset of High Achievers by Ruth Gotian, Weill Cornell Medicine.Online, Register Here
  • Tuesday, April 9, Star Lessons in Leadership: Fireside Chat with University Presidents (recorded) moderated by Princeton President Emerita Shirley Tilghman. Panelists: Ann Kirschner, interim president of Hunter College, and Michael J. Avaltroni, president of Fairleigh Dickinson University. Register here.
  • Thursday, April 11, 12 pm: Panel on Science Policy. Online. Panelists: Adam Rosenberg, Democratic Staff Director, Energy Subcommittee at the U.S. House Committee on Science, Space, & Technology; Chris Crawford, AAAS Fellow in USDA; Elizabeth Zeitler Associate Board Director, Energy & Environmental Systems, The National Academies of Sciences, Engineering and Medicine (NASEM); Julie Groeninger, Director of Government Affairs, Princeton University. Register Here
  • Thursday, April 11, 4 PM: Fireside Chat on Future of Graduate Education and Imperative for Professional Development (recorded)- Emily Miller, Deputy VP at the AAU talks to Princeton’s Dean of the Graduate School Rodney Priestley. Register here.
  • Friday, April 12, 10 AM, Online: Night Science- Creativity in Scientific Researchby Profs. Itai Yanai (NYU) and Martin Lercher (Heinrich Heine, Germany)Register Here
  • Friday, April 12, 12 PM: Bullies, Bystanders, and Bravehearts, Lessons in Power and Presence (recorded) with Amy Cuddy, social psychologist, NYT-bestselling author, and award-winning Harvard lecturer.  Register here.

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