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Human Biology and Disease modular course, now registering

Posted by on Friday, March 29, 2024 in Announcements .

HuBD is a modular course with sessions that meet between May 2 and May 24nd. Registration Opens March 25th through April 21st. The schedule of classes will be available to view in YES beginning March 13.

Everyone must enroll in section 01 to have access to course materials and receive a final grade. You will select your credit hours based on the number of topics you intend to complete, or one credit hour for every five topics. (1-5, 2-10, 3-15)

Everyone must enroll in five, ten, or fifteen topics, which are sections 04-18 of the course (note there are no sections 02, 03). Each section will have the title and speakers listed but may not have a date. If there are conflicts with dates at a later stage, you can work this out with the course directors.

To enroll for graduate credit: Follow the instructions in the YES Enrollment User Guide to add each section to your schedule. For section 01, select the variable credit hours that corresponds to the number of topics you will complete, or 1 credit for every 5 topics.

To enroll as a graduate student auditor: Complete the Graduate School’s Permission to Audit form, including all section numbers for the topics in which you want to enroll. Submit the completed form to the instructor (Mark de Caestecker) to sign. Submit the signed form to the Graduate School through the following link,

Before starting the course please visit and bookmark UpToDate website within the Eskind Library site using the link below so you can have access to UpToDate for background reading:   Alternatively please register with Medscape as a “medical student” using the link below, as an alternative source for background reading:   Additional questions may be answered here: or contact the Graduate Coordinator for your program.






