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Graduate Leadership Institute Dissertation Enhancement Grants

Posted by on Thursday, May 9, 2024 in Announcements .

The Russell G. Hamilton Graduate Leadership Institute  provides awards of up to $2000 for research expenses related to student’s dissertation (previous awardees)These grants are designed for PhD Students with outstanding potential to accelerate progress on their research, adding depth or breadth to their work. They are granted on a competitive basis. See full information on their site.

Grant Schedule Spring RFA Fall RFA
Funding Period Jan 1st – June 14th* July 1st – Jan 31st
Application Opens November 1st May 1st
Application Deadline November 22nd May 22nd
Awards Announced mid-December mid-June

*Due to the gap around the end of the Fiscal Year, applications that include June & July expenses that can be pre-paid (hotels, airfare, registration fees, etc.) will be considers, but recipients must expense those costs by June 14th.


  • Preference will be given to Ph.D. candidates engaged in full-time dissertation research. However, all Ph.D. students in good academic standing are eligible to apply.
  • Student must have authorization from their department.
  • Students are allowed one GLI Dissertation Enhancement Grant per academic year and they may receive this award no more than twice during their career at Vanderbilt .


  • Grants are limited to $2000 and all charges must comply with Vanderbilt reimbursement policies.
  • The GLI reserves the right to award less than the full sum requested by successful applicants, based on the degree of need demonstrated by the proposal and budget, the number of successful applications, and the total available funds.
  • These awards are not a substitute for, nor a supplement to, graduate stipends, and they may not be used to fund credit-bearing coursework.
  • Award funds will either be provided directly to vendors via the Oracle procurement system, or will be provided to award recipients in the form of reimbursement for eligible expenses.
  • Awards cannot be applied retroactively. No expense incurred before the date the award is issued can be reimbursed.
  • Funds may only be used as proposed in the application.
  • Proposed research activities must be completed, and expense reports submitted, within the funding period outlined above.
  • Applicants MUST be prepared to move forward with the proposed work if awarded a grant. 
  • We ask that students be responsible stewards of GLI resources. If the awardee cannot move forward with the proposed work, they must notify the GLI immediately. Recipients who fail to use their funding, barring extenuating circumstances, will be ineligible for future GLI DEGs.
