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Job Opportunities: Program Manager and Collections Editor, Professional Development Hub

Posted by on Tuesday, September 15, 2020 in Job Opportunities .

Professional Development Hub, or pd|hub, is a national, multi-stakeholder initiative dedicated to advancing the professional development of graduate and postdoctoral scientists by building capacity for the spread of evidence-based educational practices in this space.  pd|hub is moving into its next phase, which will include developing peer-reviewed collections of evidence-based practices in graduate/postdoctoral education (specifically, in the area of STEM PhD career & professional development), paired with training and mentoring to assist educators in adapting, implementing, assessing, and evaluating educational models.

We are seeking to hire two positions (Program Manager/Sr. Program Manager and Collections Editor/Curriculum Specialist) to support this and other projects of pd|hub.  Flexible employment arrangements, including part-time work, scheduling, and remote work will be considered. More details about each position are available at
