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Job Opportunity: Assistant Professor of Chemistry, Fisk University, Nashville TN

Posted by on Friday, September 5, 2014 in Job Opportunities .

Assistant Professor of Chemistry: Fisk University seeks a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Chemistry to begin as early as January 2015. The successful candidate is expected to have a strong commitment to excellence in teaching and research at both the undergraduate and graduate (M.A.) levels, and will have had post-doctoral research experience. Responsibilities include establishing a vigorous, externally funded research program as a venue for undergraduate and graduate research mentoring and teaching undergraduate and graduate courses in Analytical or Organic Chemistry and new interdisciplinary courses embedding authentic research into course-associated labs. This individual will also serve as a mentor in the Fisk-Vanderbilt Master’s-to-PhD Bridge program with an adjunct appointment at Vanderbilt University. Application materials should include the applicant’s Curriculum Vitae, Research Plan, and Teaching Philosophy as well as three letters of recommendation. All materials should be provided electronically to Dr Lee E Limbird, PhD, Dean ( Fisk University is an Equal Opportunity Employer.

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