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Application for 2015-16 AAAS S&T Policy Fellowships is now open

Posted by on Friday, May 16, 2014 in Uncategorized .

AAAS seeks candidates from a broad array of backgrounds and a diversity of geographic, disciplinary, gender, and ethnic perspectives as well as disability status. Fellows have ranged in age from late 20s to early 70s. They represent a spectrum of career stages, from recent PhD graduates to faculty on sabbatical to retired scientists and engineers. Fellows also come from a range of sectors, including academia, industry, non-profit organizations, and government labs.

Successful Applicants
  • Have solid scientific and technical credentials and the endorsement of three references.
  • Show a commitment to serve society.
  • Exhibit good communication skills, both verbally and in writing, and the ability to engage with non-scientific audiences.
  • Demonstrate integrity, problem-solving ability, good judgment, flexibility, and leadership qualities.
To be considered for a fellowship via AAAS, applicants must:
  • Hold a doctoral level degree (PhD, ScD, MD, DVM, etc.*), in any of the following:
  • Medical and Health sciences
  • Biological, Physical or Earth sciences
  • Computational sciences and Mathematics
  • Engineering disciplines (applicants with a MS in engineering and three years of professional experience also qualify).
  • Hold U.S. citizenship (dual citizenship from the United States and another country is acceptable).
  • Federal employees are not eligible for the AAAS Science & Technology Policy Fellowships.**
  • Eligible to receive government funds through the System of Award Management (SAM).
  • Registered with the U.S. Selective Service (males between the ages of 18 and 26).

Note: All requirements for the degree must be completed by the application deadline.  During the application process, you will receive information linking you to an external organization we are using to verify the aforementioned eligibility criteria. A nominal cost paid by you directly to the external vendor is involved in this verification process. Some program areas and agencies seek additional qualifications. Click on the Fellowship Areas Overview and review the host agencies and offices for details.

For further information, visit the AAAS S&T Policy site.

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