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Versatile PhD: Careers in Marketing for STEM PhDs (June 8-12)

Posted by on Friday, June 5, 2015 in Uncategorized .

STEM Graduate Students and Postdocs:

Versatile PhD will host a free web-based asynchronous panel discussion on Careers in Marketing for STEM PhDs, June 8-12. All panelists are PhDs from STEM fields, including:

– a Market Insight Manager at a health insurance company
– a Marketing Development Manager at Eastman Kodak
– a Data Scientist at a marketing agency
– an Associate Medical Director at a pharmaceutical marketing agency
– a high-level Manager at a global research company who has a great deal of marketing responsibility

More information here:

You can interact with panelists throughout the week on the site, or follow the discussion via email. All questions welcome, from the most general to the very specific.

Interested in learning more about how VPhD can help you develop relationships beyond your academic circles? Learn more here:

People like you have said:

"The panel discussions bring in people I would never have found on my own. Hearing about different pathways to an alt-ac career narrated by smart, empathetic and compassionate individuals has been infinitely encouraging when making the difficult transition out of the academy."

"The sea change for me was a panel of post PhDs who came back to speak about their experiences leaving: how, why, outcome. Hearing their experiences made me realize that there was hope, and that I could find a life outside."

"Versatile PhD was a great starting place for navigating the non-academic job market once I realized that was where I wanted to go. The organized information about the type of STEM jobs that are available gave me a good overview to structure my search for a career I would be passionate about. I love the daily forum digest and read it every day. The panel discussions are also great." 

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