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Apply now for an ASPIRE Externship opportunity in STEM policy and advocacy

Posted by on Thursday, August 18, 2016 in Announcements .

If you're interested in a career in science policy, you won't want to miss this unique opportunity to participate in an expense-paid trip to Washington D.C. for Federal STEM Policy and Advocacy: An Inside the Beltway Look.

Federal STEM Policy & Advocacy:
An Inside the Beltway Look

October 13-14, 2016
Washington, D.C.

Hosted by the Vanderbilt University Office of Federal Relations in partnership with The Vanderbilt Graduate School, the BRET Office of Career Development, the School of Engineering, and the Center for Student Professional Development


Application Deadline EXTENDED to Sunday, August 21 at midnight

This two-day event will provide Vanderbilt students and postdoctoral fellows in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) an opportunity to learn how federal STEM policy is made and the role of advocacy by various stakeholders in achieving policy goals. Participants will hear from officials – including some VU alumni – who work in the Executive and Legislative branches of government as well as scientific societies, associations and coalitions who are actively engaged in influencing and promoting federal investments in science and engineering.

For STEM students and postdocs thinking about careers in science policy or research advocacy, this behind-the-scenes look will provide insight to potential career opportunities.

This event is hosted by the VU Office of Federal Relations. Up to 30 graduate and undergraduate students and postdoctoral fellows will be selected through a competitive application process. The application deadline for graduate students and postdoctoral fellows is August 17 at midnight.

This opportunity is part of the ASPIRE externship program. Qualifying** biomedical sciences PhD students and postdoctoral fellows with an interest in careers in science policy/advocacy will receive an ASPIRE travel scholarship covering airfare, shared hotel accommodations, and some meals.

The event agenda, full eligibility criteria, and application link is available on the event website


**See "travel scholarship eligibility requirements" on the ASPIRE travel scholarships page for more information.

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