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ASPIRE Module: Creating Effective Scientific Talks

Posted by on Monday, August 7, 2017 in Announcements .

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The ASPIRE Modules are short, non-credit bearing electives that broaden the training experiences of biomedical sciences trainees. These elective modules provide efficient exposure to topics in four theme areas: Business/Entrepreneurship, Communication, Teaching, and Clinical research.The ASPIRE Modules are optional and open to any biomedical sciences PhD student or postdoctoral fellow who wishes to take them to supplement their research training. Class size may be limited, however, and will vary by module.


Title: Creating Effective Scientific Talks

Course Director: Kathy Gould, Ph.D., Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, Associate Dean for Biomedical Sciences; Guest Speaker Bill Tansey, PhD, Professor of Cell and Developmental Biology, Ingram Professor of Cancer Research

Course Description: This module will provide basic instruction in the strategies of slide preparation and speaking techniques for the oral presentation of scientific material, as well as providing practice opportunities and critical but supportive feedback.

Learning Objectives:

• How to organize material for a conference-style presentation

• How to develop an effective speaking style

• How to tailor your talk for various audiences

Participants will evaluate each other’s presentations and also receive faculty feedback.


Time: 5 Sessions, Mondays, 4:00-5:00pm, starting on September 25 (please note that there is no session on October 9th, and the sessions on October 16th and 30th will meet until 5:30p)

Registration requirement: 2-6 sentence statement of interest

Registration deadline: Midnight, August 18, 2017




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