Council of Class Officers
From Undergrad to Match: M4s Michael and Yanelis Greenberg’s Journey in Love and Learning
Feb. 14, 2025—By Kyra Letsinger There is an old saying about young love that many pass off as nothing but a myth: “When you know you know.” Vanderbilt University School of Medicine M4 Yanelis Diaz Greenberg, on the other hand, is a firm believer – she experienced it firsthand in 2018 when she was only an undergrad...
A tale of two specialties: George and Sara Lin (MD Class of 2023) prepare for their future
Feb. 8, 2023—Fourth-year couple George and Sara Lin reflect on their time at Vanderbilt University School of Medicine as they look forward to residency and their life ahead By: Lexie Little In January 2016, George Lin sat at a table near the entrance of an academic building. He checked the time, which seemed to move slowly. Students...
Thank you, Dr. President: M4 Leland Dunwoodie
Apr. 27, 2022—After four years serving as the Council of Class Officers president for the MD Class of 2022, Leland Dunwoodie reflects on his VUSM community By: Lexie Little For graduating students, the weeks leading to commencement mark a time of great excitement and anticipation of the future. And while that common experience remains true for M4...
Next Generation of CCO Leaders Share Words of Encouragement
Jun. 23, 2021—by Emma Mattson “The biggest thing on my mind is reuniting our School of Medicine family after the COVID time,” says Leland Dunwoodie (M4), who took office this spring as the Executive President of the Council of Class Officers (CCO). Dunwoodie, who has served as president for the Class of 2022 for the past three...
Meet the newly elected, first-year leaders
Sep. 8, 2020—by Emma Mattson We couldn’t be more excited to welcome the twelve new, first-year leaders on the Council of Class Officers (CCO). Besides generally representing the first-year class, these leaders will host virtual events, provide feedback on curriculum, and collaborate with other CCO leaders on VUSM-wide initiatives. Curious about your new representatives? We talked with...
CCO President Karampreet (Peety) Kaur shares words of encouragement, a call for social justice, and hopes for the coming year
Jun. 22, 2020—by Emma Mattson “My first message to the student body would be: thank you,” said Karampreet (Peety) Kaur, rising fourth-year med student and Class of 2021 president. “Thank you for being so helpful and patient and creative, honestly, in figuring out how we can continue to move forward in a positive way during such a...