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State of the SAC

Jan. 30, 2019—Our fellow MSTP students, Kelsey and I were asked to write a brief State of the Student Advisory Committee (SAC) for the January newsletter reflecting on what has been accomplished over the past year and plans moving forward. As a composition of individual students, the MSTP has thrived over the past year due to the...

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Honors and Awards – January 2019

Jan. 30, 2019—Congratulations to Dan Balikov (M4) on matching into Ophthalmology at the University of Michigan!   Congratulations to Chris Peek (G2) on receiving an F30 NRSA Individual Predoctoral Fellowship!   Hernan Gonzalez (G3) received the Earl Bakken Young Researcher’s Travel Grant to attend the 2019 North American Neuromodulation Society (NANS) Annual Meeting.   Congratulations to Paula Marincola...

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Vanderbilt MSTP Sponsors Helen Hobbs, MD for Flexner Discovery Lecture Series

Jan. 30, 2019—by Aaron Lim (G3) On January 10, 2019, the Vanderbilt MSTP’s American Physician Scientist Association’s (APSA) chapter hosted Helen Hobbs, MD, a physician-scientist renowned for her work on the genetics of plasma lipid levels and cardiovascular risk. She is an investigator of the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and Professor of Internal Medicine and Molecular Genetics...

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MSTPets: Part 10

Jan. 21, 2019—by Rachel Brown (G2) An ode to our furry friends who help us study for anatomy practicals, keep us company while we write our papers and thesis dissertations, and welcome us home after a long shift on surgery.   MSTPets: Charlie and Cody Ages: Charlie – 1 year old, Cody – 4 months old MSTParents:...

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MSTPublications: January 2019

Jan. 21, 2019—Smarcal1 and Zranb3 protect replication forks from Myc-induced DNA replication stress. Puccetti MV, Adams CM, Kushinsky S, Eischen CM. Cancer Res. 2019 Jan 4. pii: canres.2705.2018. doi: 10.1158/0008-5472.CAN-18-2705. [Epub ahead of print] The cellular DNA replication stress response functions to stabilize DNA replication forks and inhibit genome instability and tumorigenesis induced by oncogenes. However, the...

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Life in the MSTP – December 2018

Dec. 19, 2018—Brooke and Jack Walker (G3) were married on October 13, 2018! Congratulations!   Check out this epic video of Dr. Sachin Patel and Simone Herzberg (M1) playing jenga at the last MSTP Wellness social.   John Snow (G4) is now engaged to the beautiful and fun Dr. Katie Doherty!        The M1 class gathered to...

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Honors and Awards – December 2018

Dec. 19, 2018—  Congratulations to Dr. Shawn Barton (G4) for completing his thesis defense! Shawn’s Dissertation work was completed in the lab of Dr. Wellington Pham through the Neuroscience Graduate Program. His work is titled “Innovations in Delivery of Theranostic Agents Across Biological Barriers for Applications in Alzheimer’s Disease.”   Dr. Amy Major (College Advisor for Avery-Cohen) was...

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We’re all #MSTPstars!

Dec. 19, 2018—Maxwell Roeske (G1) evaluated 190 hippocampi for anatomical anomalies in just 2 days! Sam Beik (G1) texted a friend happy birthday at the beginning of the day as soon as she remembered rather than putting it off repeatedly until realizing it was 11pm. Submit your #MSTPstar here

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MSTPublications: December 2018

Dec. 19, 2018—Bone Marrow–Derived Proangiogenic Cells Mediate Pulmonary Arteriole Stiffening via Serotonin 2B Receptor Dependent Mechanism Bloodworth NC, Clark CR, West JD, Snider C, Gaskill C, Shay S, Scott C, Bastarache J, Gladson S, Moore C, D’Amico R, Brittain EL, Tanjore H, Blackwell TS, Majka SM, Merryman WD. Circ Res. Originally published 2018 Oct 25;123:e51–e64. doi:10.1161/CIRCRESAHA.118.31339 Rationale:...

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Meet Stahlman-Thomas Associate College Advisor Debra Dixon, MD, MS

Dec. 19, 2018—by Ayesha Muhammad (G1) Dr. Debra Dixon, the newest PSTP advisor for Stahlman-Thomas, obtained her medical degree and a masters in Clinical Research from Lerner College of Medicine of Case Western Reserve University, before joining the Harrison Society in 2016. Currently a fellow in Cardiology, her research focuses on prevention of heart failure with preserved...

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Catching Up with Pedro Texeira and Ravi Atreya

Dec. 18, 2018—A conversation transcribed by Abin Abraham (G2) Ravi Atreya and Pedro Teixeira are current MSTP students on a leave from coursework to pursue their dream of launching a startup focused on addressing major problems in health care delivery. We caught up with them to learn more about their journey. Ravi and Pedro successfully defended their...

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Alumni Profile: Ana Luisa Perdigoto, M.D., Ph.D. (’12)

Dec. 18, 2018—by Michael Raddatz (G2) Dr. Ana Luisa Perdigoto moved to the United States at six years of age and grew up in a close-knit Portuguese community in Newark, NJ before earning her degree in biochemistry at Brown University. After working for two years at Dana Farber, Dr. Perdigoto came to the Vanderbilt MSTP where she...

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Double Feature: Meet Alumnus and Avery-Cohen Associate College Advisor Curtis Gabriel, M.D., Ph.D. (’14)

Nov. 28, 2018—by Ayesha Muhammad (G1) Meet Curtis Gabriel, Avery-Cohen PSTP adviser and Vandy MSTP alum (PhD ‘12, MD ‘14). He worked in the lab of Dr. Amy Major (Avery-Cohen faculty adviser) during his time in the program, getting a PhD from the department of Pathology, Microbiology, and Immunology. He did his residency at Vanderbilt, as part...

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MSTP Well-Represented at the 2018 Annual Retreat for Cancer Research

Nov. 28, 2018—by Rachel Brown (G2)   On November 16th, the 18th Annual Vanderbilt-Ingram Cancer Center (VICC) and Program in Cancer Biology Retreat for Cancer Research was held at the Student Life Center. Highlights of the event included a keynote address by a famous cancer researcher, talks by postdoctoral fellows, faculty, and graduate students, a poster session,...

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We’re all #MSTPStars!

Nov. 28, 2018—Shoutout to Josh Thompson (G4) for saving his labmates one gel at a time. Danny Sack (G1) made it through a paper exam with no paper cuts. Camille Wang (M2) meal-prepped for the week in less than an hour (while on surgery). Ayesha Muhammad (G1) watched (and danced to) 2 different Bollywood movies this weekend! Submit...

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