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Science Translational Medicine editorial features NIH BEST program

Posted by on Friday, May 8, 2015 in Announcements .

A recent Science Translational Medicine editorial describes the goals and scope of the NIH Broadening Experiences in Scientific Training (BEST) funding program.  The BEST program is testing novel ways for institutions to broaden traditional research training and prepare biomedical trainees for diverse research- and research-related careers.

Vanderbilt University was one of the first 10 institutions to receive an NIH BEST award, which funds our ASPIRE program for biomedical sciences PhD students and postdoctoral fellows. ASPIRE offers a series of video interviews with alumni describing their career path (Beyond the Lab), a half-day workshop on building professional relationships (ASPIRE to Connect), a short course on career planning for scientists (ASPIRE to Plan), didactic short courses relating to business and entrepreneurship, clinical research, and communication (ASPIRE modules), and an internship program (ASPIRE internships). Travel scholarships are available to help defray the cost of traveling for externships and internships.

We hope you join us for ASPIRE activities, and we’re proud to be part of the NIH BEST consortium of institutions who are leading groundbreaking efforts to train and sustain a “more robust and productive biomedical research enterprise.”

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