Upcoming BRET Office of Career Development Events
Interviewing in Industry, talk with Larry Thompson, PhD: From Academia to Industry, How to ♪Break On Through to the Other Side♪
Jan. 14, 2022—To kick off our ASPIRE Mock Interview Day event, alumnus Larry Thompson, Senior Principal Scientist at Pfizer, will be giving our keynote presentation: From Academia to Industry, How to ♪Break On Through to the Other Side♪ He has a wealth of experience interviewing candidates and will be sharing sharing tips, and insights he has gained over the...
Spring 2022 Interview Prep with ASPIRE!
Jan. 10, 2022—This Spring, get interview-ready with ASPIRE! We have several events that can help you prepare for you your job interview. Mark these dates on your calendar, and don’t forget to save the date for the 2022 ASPIRE Mock Interview Day event. This year will be industry focused! Check out our ASPIRE Job Search Series page...
Employer Info Session: Flagship Pioneering
Jan. 6, 2022—Flagship Pioneering is a venture creation firm located in Cambridge, MA, that conceives, resources, and builds life-changing bioscience companies that create breakthroughs in health and sustainability. During the event, the presenter will 1) introduce Flagship Pioneering and its company creation process, 2) introduce and discuss the Summer Fellows Program, and 3) field questions regarding career...
PhD Career Stories: Caroline Benoist, PhD
Dec. 7, 2021—We are kicking off PhD Career Stories2022 with our featured speaker, Caroling Benoist, PhD. Dr. Benoist is currently a Medical Science Liaison at Angelini Pharma UKI. She is an MSL for the CNS portfolio (currently only epilepsy but they are looking to expand) and is in charge of medical education for the UK and Ireland....
PhD Career Stories: Clinical Research at Sarah Cannon
Nov. 1, 2021—Our December PhD Career Stories will be a panel discussing their clinical research positions at Sarah Cannon, featuring Molly Altman, PhD, Shanna A. Arnold Egloff, PhD, and Carissa Jones PhD. December 10, 2021 10am via Zoom Registration is required to receive Zoom login information “Sarah Cannon, the Cancer Institute of HCA Healthcare, offers integrated cancer services with convenient access...
PhD Career Stories: Dan O’Brien, PhD
Oct. 15, 2021—October’s PhD Career Stories features Dr. Dan O’Brien. With an extensive background in science communication and project management, this is one you don’t want to miss! Be sure to register to receive the Zoom login information. Registration required Dan O’Brien is an Assistant Scientific Director at AbbVie in Gastroenterology. Prior to joining AbbVie, he earned...
Employer Info Session: PRIME PhD Student Opportunity
Oct. 4, 2021—The ASPIRE Program is excited to welcome PRIME, Inc for a virtual employer information session on Monday, October 25, at noon. At PRIME, we are passionate about improving patients’ lives by advancing the delivery of high quality, patient-centered care through research-informed medical education. PRIME’s Scientific Affairs Team is a dynamic group of PhD and PharmD...
PhD Career Stories: Two Panels on Career Paths in Science Policy
Sep. 30, 2021—This month, the BRET Career Development ASPIRE Program is joining with the Vanderbilt and VUMC Offices of Federal Relations and other campus partners to bring you two virtual panels about career paths in science policy. The first virtual panel features science policy professionals who work for advocacy organizations, Congress, and government relations firms. The second...
ASPIRE Workshop: Creating Effective Scientific Talks and Delivering Them With Confidence
Sep. 28, 2021—Led by Kathy Gould, PhD, Louise B. McGavock Professor, Department of Cell and Developmental Biology, Senior Associate Dean for Biomedical Research, Education and Career Development Course Description: This workshop will provide basic instruction in strategies of engaging your audiences with maximally effective slide preparation and speaking techniques. Practice opportunities will also be made available with critical but...
2021 PhD Student ASPIRE Guide for Career Planning
Sep. 2, 2021— The ASPIRE Team is excited to provide PhD Students with the ASPIRE Guide for Career Planning. Plan your year and career goals, journal your career ideas, and sketch out a plan in the PDF guide for 2021-2022.
PhD Career Stories: Sarah Petersen, PhD
Aug. 9, 2021— Our September PhD Career Stories session will feature Sarah C. Petersen, Ph.D., Assistant Professor of Neuroscience at Kenyon College.Dr. Petersen received her Ph.D. from Vanderbilt, and joined the faculty of Kenyon College in 2016. Come hear about her career in College Teaching. September 10, 2021 2pm Registration is required to receive Zoom login information REGISTER HERE Sarah...
ASPIRE Cafe: Informational Interviewing
Aug. 3, 2021—Thursday February 24, 2022 11:00am Light Hall 214 Ashley Brady, PhD Assistant Dean of Biomedical Career Engagement and Strategic Partnerships Assistant Professor of Medical Education and Administration Have you ever heard of an informational interview? Come learn about one the most powerful, yet underutilized, networking tools available to you. Find out what an informational...
ASPIRE Bistro: Informational Interviewing
Aug. 3, 2021—Thursday February 3, 2022 11:00am Light Hall 214 Ashley Brady, PhD Assistant Dean of Biomedical Career Engagement and Strategic Partnerships Assistant Professor of Medical Education and Administration Have you ever heard of an informational interview? Come learn about one the most powerful, yet underutilized, networking tools available to you. Find out what an informational interview...
ASPIRE Module: SciComm For All
Jul. 26, 2021—Successful science communication is at the core of just about everything in science. This module—essentially an eight-part workshop—will give trainees in the sciences greater skill, ease, and confidence in formal and informal science communication scenarios. Through a series of practical exercises, participants will gain experience speaking to and writing for a variety of audiences and...
ASPIRE Module: Data Science Essentials 2021-2022
Jul. 16, 2021— In the 2021-22 academic year, the BRET Office of Career Development is offering an ASPIRE module for biomedical graduate students and postdocs, Data Science Essentials. It is ideal for trainees who are interested in: learning what data science careers entail; acquiring introductory technical competencies to break into the field of data science; honing their communication skills,...
Employer Info Session: Poly-Med
Jun. 10, 2021—Join us for an Employer Information Session with Poly-Med on June 24, 11:30am, via Zoom. Co-sponsored by the BRET Office of Career Development ASPIRE Program and the Vanderbilt Career Center. Register via Zoom. Poly-Med is the leading developer of bioresorbable polymers and fibers. We help innovative medical device companies focused on improving patient outcomes. Poly-Med...
Pfizer Informal Employment Session
May. 21, 2021—Learn about the current hiring spree Pfizer is currently experiencing from alumnus Dr. Larry Thompson, PhD. Dr. Thompson is not hiring at this time but wants to give Vanderbilt trainees a heads up about types of roles and interviewing tips. Friday, June 4 Noon via Zoom Register here. Questions? Email Kate Stuart.
2021 ASPIRE Career Symposium: Managing Panel
Apr. 7, 2021—It’s time for the 2021 ASPIRE Annual Career Symposium: Careers for the Citizen Scientist! MANAGING PANEL Friday, May 7 1:30-2:30pm CST Zoom Webinar Register for Managing Panel Dr. Zusi Andrews, PhD, Biologist and Medical Writer, NIH/NCI Dr. Zusi Andrews, PhD, is a trained biologist and medical writer for the NIH (NCI). As a medical writer and science...
2021 ASPIRE Career Symposium: Advocating Panel
Apr. 7, 2021—It’s time for the 2021 ASPIRE Annual Career Symposium: Careers for the Citizen Scientist! ADVOCATING PANEL Friday, May 7 9:00-10:00am CST Zoom Webinar Register for Advocating Panel Dr. Denise Zannino Childree, PhD, Science Policy and Communications Strategist, National Science Foundation (NSF) Dr. Denise Zannino Childree, PhD is a Science Policy and Communications Strategist at the National Science...
Capitalizing on Opportunities: Making the Most of the 2021 ASPIRE Virtual Career Symposium
Apr. 6, 2021— The ASPIRE Annual Career Symposium will be here soon, and we are welcoming 13 invited alumni speakers virtually. In addition, many other alumni attendees will be present for small group rotations in a virtual power hour. How can you make the most of the networking opportunities that this event will present? Ashley Brady, PhD,...